Wanted: Complete honesty

Since you have children I would not get the pool. It is more dangerous (stastically) for a child to be in a home with a pool than in a home with a gun. Don't have the stats in front of me, but I can get them if you want. And don't forget, this pool will be attractive to kids other than just your own (another thing to worry about).
Plus- lots of people have pools, how many have their own dojo at their house?!? Too cool! I have been drawing blue prints for my own perfect dojo since I was a little kid. Having a place designed exactly the way you want it would be awesome.
I would go with a 6 seat hot tub (get one with the largest number of jets) with a recycling waterfall, outdoor sound system and put in a dojo. Best of both worlds; take care of the aches and pains in one - and create them in another.
Living in Australia, I know how much a pool is appreciated but from experience the novelty wears off!! It is a constant worry if you have young kids. Pool fencing is not always childproof. One of my kids was a climber and at 4 years old prooved that he could climb pool fencing that was considered the top standard. Then as teenagers, they would rather go to the public pool because their friends are there and mum isnt watching so the pool sits idle more often than not.
A dojo at least would add value to your property as it could be used as a huge games room if you were selling. This would add more value to your selling price than a pool.:)
Thanks everyone for all your input.
I must say that the idea of having a dojo in the back yard is really tempting me, that and the fact that is would be nearly impossible for my kids to drown in it.
I think I might have to sit down and start up plans for my "Man Cave" as it was put in an earlier post.
Well for what itÂ’s worth I have a new pool it was just installed last summer. I like the pool but itÂ’s a pain in the 6, and as for hidden expenses yeah Chemicals, salt, toys, Electric bill, and if itÂ’s heated then your gas bill will also go up. Figure at least $50 to $100 on your elec bill every month. During the summer I had to run my 2hp pump 7 hours a day to keep it clean and when the temp drops close to 32 the pool runs 24-7

I would go with a hot tub, and then do what you will with the rest.

Sorry it i am a little late.
I would go with the dojo + (lockable) hot tub option.

Later when the kiddies are older, you could always buy one of those inflatable above ground pools for about $300 and see how you like it. If that works out, build a small cool off/lap pool.

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