Iranian Embassy seige, Falkland Islands, slashing inflation from 22% to 4%, and of course, destroying the bloody God forsaken unions, who had held the country hostage for so long. Hmmm, poor decision maker? I don't think so!
All at the expense of the working classes and having a balanced economy - Londoners Financiers may have loved her, for creating the poorly regulated conditions that allowed them to rampage and trash the economy whilst getting very rich themselves ... the rest of us not so much. She is the background reason why working stiffs like me are worse off now than we were before Labour came to power.
Also, you might not like unions but that's because you're clearly a secret millionaire or like being taken advantage of or exfiltrated to America and have never needed the collective bargaining power that a union provides. I'd love to see my company allow a union again - that way I might not have seen a 30% drop in real wages over the past ten years.
And for the last time, Monetarism is thoroughly discredited - even Friedman himself admitted as much. Why that is relevant is because it is the foundation upon which Thatcherite decisions were made - as I said, noone gets off that hook.
Union is not an evil world, neither is Liberal. Treating them as if they were makes having a constructive conversation impossible.
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