What do you miss?

Anyone miss the Cold War?

Actually an 80s things more than a 90s thing.

I can remember growing up in the 70s and 80s and there was a sense that history was marching toward a final conflict between the Democracies and the Communists; that there would be...any day now...a final military conflict between the U.S. and it's allies and the U.S.S.R. and it's allies that would end somehow in a nuclear exchange that would wipe most of humanity from the planet. Military planners tried to plan to 'win' this war, survivalists tried to escape it..most people just waited and wondered when, and wondered if the would be lucky..whether lucky enough to win or luck enough to die. A feeling of impending inevitability. In some ways it defined us and gave us purpose and if not comfort in what would happen at least a stability in knowing what would happen.

It never came; not how we expected. 20 years ago we *knew* what the next five years would bring; now we don't. Now the future is open, which is both exhilerating and scary
The right to privaciy didn't "die" out...it was taken.

It wasn't really 'taken', we gave it up.

There's a trusim of sorts in computers that security plus ease-of-use is a constant. The more secure something is, the less easy it is to use, and vice versa.

In a lot of ways we traded security, privacy, identity, for convenience. The convenience of online banking and online trading has made it a lot easier for someone else to get our information, etc..

Same with the government, we say "keep us safe the the bad world out there" and the government says "this is what you have to give up in order to get that safety" and we say "protect us" and they say "well ok..." except the 'they' is really 'we' because we elect the people who do it..and re-elect them and, for most of us, we think the safety is worth the cost since we seem to keep doing it.
Whatever happenned to tossing a football around with your friends or playing a game of baseball or just simply 'doing stuff' and hanging out somewhere? Kids these days, video games, online games, getting more and more inactive and fatter. Wow, I was at my parent's the other day visiting my old neighborhood and simply couldnt believe how much things have changed in the spawn of one decade, its amazing.
How about a decent job? Remember pre-NAFTA when you could get a good paying factory jobs?

I do so miss BIG Porno Hair! Hell I miss sinfully tight jeans, wellnot so much in the guys
I even admit I miss the New Wave music with the different sources making different sounds
....the Cold War and the impression that everything in the world can go "boom" at the drop of a couple of switches.

Well, OK, I DON'T miss that, in fact I'll take a nuclear Iran and Korea and a pissed off Al-Quaida over the USSR aiming a couple thousand nukes in the general direction of my country any day. Of course that was still mostly the '80's.

So for the '90s I miss my undergraduate college days, great friends and definately the college ladies. :kiss:


edit: Fearless Freep, I didn't see your post, it looks like we were thinking similar thoughts.
OUMoose said:
I guess the biggest thing I can think of that's now gone is talking face-to-face. Anyone remember when you had to GO to someone's house to hang out, as opposed to texting/IM's/celphones/etc? The subtle art of social interaction is losing ground, in favor of comments like "how r u? wut r u doin 2nite?" *shakes head*...
Good point, but with out technological advancements you wouldnt be chatting and getting to know people on the other side of the world now would you :ultracool

Maybe we are a bit behind over here, but we still hang out with our friends?

What do I miss about the 90's...hrm...the late 90's are a bit of a haze, to much drinking and smoking, but i do recall that I never use to get hangovers, I miss that :rolleyes:

curious question.....

and its going waaaaaaaaayyyyy back....

Does anybody remember "Dark Shadows"?
the main character was Barnabus Collins?!

theres an age tester there!
My teenage years were in the middle and late 1990's I definately miss high school.

Was fun, I also miss being able to eat whatever the hell I wanted without having to worry about putting on weight.

But seriously, I miss the music, especially Nirvana and Pearl Jam, just the life style in particular.

And for the above poster, yep I remember Dark Shadows, atleast watching the re-runs when I was small with my mom. I think they still carry it on the Sci Fi Channel now and then.
I forgot to add.....

As for Dark Shadows....
I mean the series with Jonathan Frid.
Not the remake with Ben Cross.
The remake failed miserabley.

If you remember jonathon frid.....:erg:
Phoenix44 said:
Remember when you used to make a phone call, and a human being answered the phone? I miss that.
"Thank you for calling the SanAngeles police department.If you would like to speak to an automated operator,please press 1".

Demolition man

I miss my first wife.

I miss my kids being small-especially my daughter-they're grown now......

I miss being able to get to sleep at night without worrying about work.

I miss my motorcycles....(sold 'em when wife #1 died-got others later, but they're not the same as the first Harley I built, or that ridiculous hard-tail Triumph that I'm too old for now, anyway......)

I miss Pee-Wee Herman.

...and my knees!

I miss taking breakfalls for hours at a time, and bouncing right up each time.
Phoenix44 said:
Remember when you used to make a phone call, and a human being answered the phone? I miss that.

Heh, yeah I called my DSL company on Sunday because my line was down, was on an auto-response pos for about 30 min.
1. I miss spontaineous, gratuitous, sexual intercourse.

Two little children have put the ki-bosh on that for now...yet the call of leather clad women with lots of snappy snap toys beckons...

"Mommy, you got some really BIG boots!"

2. I miss being able to climb into my truck and explore.

Throughout the entire decade of the 90s, I saw a lot of this country and spent many a night sleeping in the back.

3. I miss invincibility.

Years ago, there was very little fear in my training. Two kids, a wife, and a career have changed my priorities.

4. I miss the squeaky clean America of my youth...

Education has opened up some doors and closed others, leaving me to look upon a troubled future.

Phoenix44 said:
Remember when you used to make a phone call, and a human being answered the phone? I miss that.
Remember going into the bank to cash a cheque (ok, check) and there was a human being there to serve you.

(Just after I graduated uni, I used a branch of my bank just over the road from my first job. There was a gorgeous blonde teller-ette and purely coincidentally you understand, I always ended up at her window. As she processed my cheque/check she always looked me straight in the eye and asked "How would you like it?" This conjured up all sorts of lascivious mental pictures to do with sweaty gratutious sex, but instead of speaking my mind which would have got me arrested, I always blushed and chickened out with a "Um, 2 fives and a ten's ok, thanks.")
FearlessFreep said:
Anyone miss the Cold War?

Actually an 80s things more than a 90s thing.

I can remember growing up in the 70s and 80s and there was a sense that history was marching toward a final conflict between the Democracies and the Communists; that there would be...any day now...a final military conflict between the U.S. and it's allies and the U.S.S.R. and it's allies that would end somehow in a nuclear exchange that would wipe most of humanity from the planet. Military planners tried to plan to 'win' this war, survivalists tried to escape it..most people just waited and wondered when, and wondered if the would be lucky..whether lucky enough to win or luck enough to die. A feeling of impending inevitability. In some ways it defined us and gave us purpose and if not comfort in what would happen at least a stability in knowing what would happen.

It never came; not how we expected. 20 years ago we *knew* what the next five years would bring; now we don't. Now the future is open, which is both exhilerating and scary

Hum, i would probably say the thing to miss about the cold war is that fact that the US has now become so relaxed on education now. during the cold war we wanted the best and needless to say the schools focused so much more on education especially math and science and even history during that time. I'm only 22 but i can think of a few people that are my age and can't do simple math, can't read a ruler, couldn't tell you simple science questions. kind of sad really that it takes a "life or death" situation to focus on such things

what do i miss about the 90's gas i can afford ;)

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