What Do You Look Like?

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  • $sgmparker.webp
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At least one of these portraits is available directly from the IKKA's new online store.

I thought I should mention that since I fished around so much for the above photos and some of them are from other "stores." I'll post a note about the IKKA Store in the ProShop.
Picture a rotten sack of crap. That' s what I look like on a good day. I wouldn't punish the members of M.A Talk by posting my pics. Besides I don't have any I don't let anyone take my picture.
Got it...Hummmmmm...KatGurl, in that stance you look like the female version of the Karate Kid ;) :)

Keep training hard and before you know it you'll be a BLACK belt! :asian:
Originally posted by jeffkyle
What kind of sick joke is this?

Just that - a sick joke. There's no picture. It all reverts the browser back to this thread. It was hilarious as I honestly believed there was something wrong with my browser and I invested some time in finding out her picture, only to find out it was all a joke.
I would put up my picture again but Im too sexy and all your computers will explode :D
Originally posted by Pyros
Just that - a sick joke. There's no picture. It all reverts the browser back to this thread. It was hilarious as I honestly believed there was something wrong with my browser and I invested some time in finding out her picture, only to find out it was all a joke.

It's not a joke :( copy and paste the url to see my pic :(