What Do You Look Like?

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Hollywood1340 said:
Oh its up, just not complete. If you wish you can access it at http://www.geocities.com/indy458/main1.html Its in bits and pieces right now, but...well see for yourself :)
Thanks for letting me know.. I am looking over your site now, very informative..

How are you able to place mpgs on your geocities site? Nevermind... lol... I caught it.. they are embedded off of another site. That is what I did, before my webmaster told me that I was using too much bandwidth...
jfarnsworth said:
Brother Rich,
This one is for you. I thought you may like this one. I'm trying to start him early. :)
How cute is that boy I ask you? He must be a young Jedi!!!!:jedi1:
mj-hi-yah said:
How cute is that boy I ask you? He must be a young Jedi!!!!:jedi1:

As I've said before. I know I didn't get much but the kids at least turned out cute. :idunno:

Yes, the force is with him strong. Castillo will have no chance to turn him. :asian:
Since this thread came back up... and since I am somthing of a Megalomaniac...

Here's something more recent than the one I posted way back when...

Got bored and left unsupervised with the digital today ;)


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Here's one that was taken of me mid 'Dance of Death' a couple of months ago. I had to hide it away quick when Brian brought them in to show us as the lady attacking me is one half of our 'Dating in the Dojo' couple and I didn't really want her boyfriend to see it for obvious reasons (he's the jelous type...)!



Put the children and those weak of heart to bed, and do not stare directly at the picture. My ugliness has the effect of making stomachs empty.


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hey, this is me...if anyone is wondering the belt i'm wearing is an Assitant Instructors belt. I am not certified to teach yet, but am training to do so!

Image removed

<Mod Note> : I removed the image as it was causing a pop-up to show asking for a username and password on the site the image was located on. Please feel free to repost from a publically accessible location - Kaith
flatlander said:
Wow, Rob. Your avatar bears an uncanny resemblance to the real you. Was that picture taken with a camera phone?

The pic was taken in low light with a disposible camera, and had to be cropped to fit into MT acceptable size. I am not too good with photos on the computer, since they are not really a priority for me at this time.

I agree with Flatlander. Your avatar is truly you -- or IS it you, and the picture...??

Seriously, my cartoon looked sorta kinda like me, but it wasn't as far off as some of them are, judging by the posts here. And -- that's meant in a GOOD way. Nice to see people's pix.

Sorry - the Queen of Paranoia doesn't post 'em. KT