This is what I meant by “moving stance”. In the wing chun system, that which I was taught (“Leung Sheung,” Yip Man’s first Hong Kong student), there is no such thing as footwork. In reality when doing footwork it should resemble walking, like heel to toe, as the top of the mother-line or head bobs up and down; with every step the center of gravity is loss.
So, that tells us in order to keep and maintain good balance and control of our limbs, we must stay sunken (chum or sinking energy) with the high triangle (hands or applications), as well as the low triangle (feet, kicks, a.k.a. footwork). Therefore our mother-line or head will not bob up and down, keeping us from maintaining good control our low center of gravity. It is true that we can develop a strong and low center of gravity, by keeping the shoulders rounded, elbows and knees dipped and pelvis pushed forwarded connecting all the proper segments of our body as one entity or ideal.
Therefore when the ideal of chum or sinking energy is applied properly within the top triangle, through relaxation and with the understanding of chi development, natural energy will automatically find the entire set of chum pockets within your top triangle, structures or applications. In your case, the “form”, is only mention here. So therefore each movement that you do in your form, will become connected to the whole body mentally and physically. Hence as one, all connected to the floor. As with footwork or without, it all becomes a moving stance. Take care.