Yes, It is very interesting. Yes videos can give you some applications. But applications that are easier for you to do will come to you the more you practice the first form. It took me years to be able to learn from practicing the form. Mostly because I did it for different reasons. But yes. If you focus on each technique and desire to understand them I suggest meditating on each move while doing the form. An also day dream about the form when your doing something mundane like bathing or at work on your computer. Meditate on how the moves can be applied with a foe beside you,behind you,to your left or right and infront of you.
Also take some of the various techniques you already know an drill them over and over again while meditating an envisioning an foe infront of you.
Here is a movie with Wong Shun Leung performing SLT...Nothing better than listening to some of us greatest Sifu's.
Augstine Fong SLT
Wong Shun Leung Just the Form
Wong Shun Leung Applications and WC training
Watch the entire video of the applications one..through out the video he shows SLT applications.
I hope it helps. a little...
In the yip lineage the opening can be used to adminster back fist.
The Double Gan Sau
Can be a lower Central Line block(Lower cross hands). The Upper Cross Hands I utilize to pull someone grabbing upward to uproot them or make them move out posistion. I also use it to redirect them.
If the got both my arms depending on posistion of their grab. I can either split them open leaving them vulernable for a split second. Or I could use it to control them to place them into a joint lock.
Every time you chamber the arm. To me its like practicing Jut Sau. Where you grab.
First Punch
Of course the first punch is pretty self explantory, No? Although the punch can be a finger strike,phoenix fist,ginger fist,palm strike or other things.
The Huen Sau
Can be use to go around a guard or strike and hit your foe.
Huen Sau can be use to release grabs or turn a grab into a Chin Na technique that puts pressure on the wrist. Also part of the Huen Sau can be alternated to a tan sau to use for various reasons.
*WuSau-Fook Sau Motion done three times on both sides..
Tan Sau going forward.
Used against arms grabs.
To gain entry of guards.
To uproot.
To strike eyes or soft part of the body.
Huen Sau
Escape grabs or move around guards
Jum Sau
To block low line punch.
To bring Guards down.
To bring high punch down low.
Wu Sau retract backwards
Guarding Hand can use to cover.
To Pull opponent or guard his force in and then redirect.
To Jam attack.
Fok Sau outward
Done fast can be a strike to diaphram.
Huen Sau to Jum Sau to Wu sau to Fok Sau three more times. Same applications.
Also they call this praying Thrice. I forgot the other term for thus sequence. But it is also building Chi. It is Chi kung. This part of the form is suppose to be done slowly. You are building and cultivating Chi here. Also when performing all parts of SLT one should focus on the Dan Tien and cultivation of Chi.
I believe this is the first part you are at? Are you farther than that let me know?
Wong Shun Leung video will give you some help too...
Let know if you have any more questions. My Applications are just a few...there are numerous applications others please feel free to share any apps you also have?
Check out this site giving you the names and meanings of all the moves in Sil Lim Tau.
Here is a list of hands of Wing Chun! ()
Hands of Wing Chun
1. Bong Sao (wing arm)
2. Tan Sao (palm up hand)
3. Pak Sao (slapping hand)
4. Fook Sao (controlling hand or bridge hand)
5. Lap Sao (pulling hand or grabbing hand)
6. Wu Sao (protecting hand)
7. Tok Sao (lifting hand)
8. Jut Sao (jerking hand)
9. Lin Lop Sao (cross grappling hand)
10. Huen Sao (circling hand)
11. Kwun Sao (rotating hand)
12. Gum Sao (pinning hand)
13. Lan Sao (bar arm)
14. Man Sao (searching hand)
15. Goang Sao (lower outer wrist block)
16. Guan Sao (splitting hand)
17. Bil Sao (thrusting hand)
18. Man Geung Sao (neck pulling hand
19. Biu Sao (Finger Thrust Block or thrusting hand)
20. Tie Sao (Uplifting hand)
I remembered asking to see the application of the moves done in SLT. (I have only learned 1/3 of it b.c my Sifu teaches SLT in 3 seperate parts.) I was able to find these videos showing the applications which helps put things into perspective.
My Sifu told me there are many things that can be done but never showed me anything. Thank God for Youtube!!
Check it out and let me know what you think. Time for me to learn the rest of SLT on my own on youtube...I am ready to learn the rest of it.
Part 1
Part 2