What do you do?

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Just out of curiousity, what style of tai chi does anyone train in? (Sorry if posted before)
I train in Tsung Shi Tai Chi Chuan.
I dont think this has been done in a while.
I study Yang and Chen style, but I must say not as much as I would like. Most of my training time goes into fighting and learning 7*. Although we use alot of TC principles in our fighting.

I practise Traditional Yang Family Taijiquan and Yi Chuan.
I'm not familiar with Tsung Shi Taijiquan. Can you tell me a bit more about its origins?

Alistair Sutherland
As soon as I can, I post the full history. (lots of typing tonight)
Hello everyone.

I practice Traditional Yang style and also Ru Yi Taiqiquan, the latter from my time spent in Beijing, China.

Best wishes.
I have practiced Chen and Wu, but I am a Yang Stylist.

I would also like to hear about Tsung Shi Taijiquan, I have never heard of it either.
Shuang Yang Pei Ho Rou Ruan Chien or "Sun Frost White Crane Soft Art"
A form of Qigong similar to some Tai-Chi

I do this in conjunction with the tiger-crane style kung fu