What do you do when you're bored

I play games. :) of late it's been Halo and Soul Calibur II....nothing better to vent frustration than to plink a few Covenant with a sniper rifle. :)
I've been fiddling in Photoshop lately.. keeping an eye on the board of course.. waffling round the net looking for schtuff..... and always behaving to the best of my ability *coughs*
Been surfing my usual messageboards and webcomics. Updating my stories on fanfiction.net sometimes. I live on AIM.
I clean

I read books and have music in the background and also the TV on either a movie or history channel or something like that.

Funny, how I can handle all the input, yet I used to work in an arcade, and could tell you when a machine would go out of order ;)
I've been listening to Audio books lately.. Did the entire Harry Potter series and the Lord of the Rings.. Very well done.. nice to multitask *G* can do my artwork and still 'read' ~!
*harumphs* Fine then.. I'm extinct.. toss me over the cliff * :waah:

To the general audience.. this is exactly what Chronuss and I do when we're bored :D

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