What do you do in your black belt classes?


Yellow Belt
Hey guys I'm new to the boards. I've been practicing Taekwondo Chung Do Kwan for about 7 years now and am 2nd dan Kukkiwon certified. I also train Hapkido, Judo and Freestyle Submission Wrestling.

I searched around but didn't find any threads about what everyone does in a black belt class. I am just curious to see what the different Kwans or clubs do in a high level class, and not just Taekwondo, I'm curious about all styles.

What is a typical breakdown for a black belt class at your school?

If this has already been discussed I am happy to go read if anyone can point me towards a thread that I missed in my searches.

OK, all kidding aside.

We do the same thing we do in any other class, just higher intensity. We are the top of the class, the role models, even if you have not been working out in over a year, you damn well better do the exercise as required :D

Oh, and since we have mostly mixed classes (small adult student pool) we try to make it look fun and easy, we don't want to scare the new folks away. ^_^ (especially sparring)
My instructor breaks down classes into beginning, intermediate and advanced students with the last being red and black belts.

In the advanced class we do things that are covered in the other two levels of classes such as fundamental exercises, patterns, pre-arranged sparring, semi-free sparring and free sparring but with the focus being on using techniques appropriate to our rank (with some review of lower level techniques, of course). We also include things specific to higher ranks. This includes more advanced Ho Sin Sul techniques, more advanced breaking teahniques and things such as foot sparring.

The intensity of the training is also greater.


Well are BB classes only are a little different than our regular classes. We will go over forms and patterns as do all the classes but we go into the detail of the form and the application of the moves. We try to perfect the form and break it down so as to teach a color belt we can answer any and all questions that may be asked about the form. This is all we do that may also be coverd in regular classes but to a greater extent.

For the things we do that regular classed don't get to do.

We do not spar at all in BB classes. We do enough of this in our regular classes on Friday and there is always the competition class for that as well.

We do Hapkido which is not offered to any of the regular classes. Lots of falls and rolling included in that class as well.

Weapons are introduced as well. Nunchucks, Bo staff, some cali or escrima, and Kumdo. This is fun stuff. Never thought I would know how to spin a staff like in the movies but I can do it. Great stuff.

Tons of SD in this class as well. Not only hand to hand but defending againt weapons as well. Weapons such as knife, gun, or stick.

Not to mention all the crazy jumping kicks that this old man cannot do well any more due to the knees. But hey, I still give it my best.

This is about it really. Then if you want more there is always instructor classes but that is a different question.
I run a free BB class once a month, in it it can vary what we cover, but over a period of time its:

- Black belt patterns
- Applications to patterns (both Kup & BB ones)
- High level competition sparring & related training
- Traditional Sparring (chokes, sweeps, throws etc.) - often heavy to full contact, sometimes as 1 vs 2, 1 Vs 3 etc.
- Anti-weapons stuff (knife, stick, gun) - hosinsul (waepons), free-sparring against weapons
- Hosinsul with multiple opponents
- Killer fitness sessions (sometimes, but we do them in regular classes anyway)
- Foot Sparring
- Advanced One -step sparring
- Laugh a lot :-)

Pretty much the same here. I love Judo so we incorporate a lot of throwing and some grappling...I have one BB that just loves to get the hardest workout I can throw at him sometimes i fell bad for the others lol :rolleyes:!
we do the same as a normal class but with a lot more intensity and attention to detail. We probably focus more on self defence at black belt class also. Our sparring in black belt class is a little different in that we dont usually wear pads and the focus is just about speed and footwork and not so much about kicking the crap out of your partner.
My instructor used to say to make sure the class ends with everyone "sweaty, sore, and smiling." We just ramp up BB class.