What do you call your Ex's?

Heh. You'll just have to see this cinematic masterpiece for yourself.

Uhhh ... I'm a little speechless.

That's a rare thing, believe me.

Flea!!! One of my favourite movies of all time!!!! You have no idea how excited I was to finally track down a DVD copy, now I just need a BluRay Directors Cut... I first heard it described as a comedy (which it is), a musical (which it is), a true story (which it is), a story about the only man ever convicted of cannabalism in Colorado (which it is), and a love story (which it is) about a horse (which it is.... kind of).

The directors commentary on the Troma released DVD is brilliant!!!

Oh, and the whole film is about his ex. She left him for a singer in a choir, I think, but there are heaps of lines in the film deliberately aimed at her ("She wouldn't just run off... friends don't do that to each other!").

Love it!!!!

Ken, Shesulsa, really, it's brilliant!!! Honest!!!
Oh, and the whole film is about his ex. She left him for a singer in a choir, I think, but there are heaps of lines in the film deliberately aimed at her ("She wouldn't just run off... friends don't do that to each other!").

Wow Chris, I didn't know that. But it makes sense. Parker's pain :dramaqueen: really shines through in every scene.

I'll have to rent that again with that in mind. I thought he was the only person charged with cannibalism in the United States at the time the movie came out? Maybe? Well there was Ed Gein ... talk about having your heart ripped out.
I call one "my best friend" without irony, and another "The Evil Doll-Faced One" and "Yve-kun" to be annoying.
I also call her new boyfriend "Sword fodder."
I both address them and referr to them in polite terms as I feel that to do otherwise in beneath both them and I. These were all people that I had developed various degrees of affection for and to demean them would be to belittle myself do to the emotional investment I had in them at one time. I do not refer to women I dislike in crass terms so I find that I am lothe to do so to ones I once did. Such behavior isn't acceptable of a gentleman and I strive very hard to be just that, both for my own sake as well as for the example that I set to my son.

Just my view
Kinda funny when you think about how at one time... you were in love with that person now called by some other name that some cannot post due to profanity or violation of the TOS.
I mean at one time you were really really rilly in love with this person, married them, dreamt dreams with them, envisioned a life together and alllll that. You did at one time... right?
Now they're the "Ex's" by any other name.

Kinda sad don't cha think?
what do you call em?


Only had one bf and he was from a catholic family and he called me a nazi because im pro-choice. and that was the day we broke up. He didnt like my views on the world or politics or whatnot. and since he didnt accept me for who i am....... *whistle*
In any company I'd refer to mine as Bozo. That is quite informal of course I would usually preface his name with F****** when I feel I should grant him his due respect.
I am still good friends with my ex, so I address her by her given name..Now the blond puta that I almost married is called much worse...
I call my ex the same as always, since the devorce we seem to get along better. Now with my current wife I have a few choice words but they are all nice.

Same here...... in what for me is a unique show of maturity and reason, I just thought to let bygones be just that and focus on the future. Both of us ultimately found other people who were better for each of us. No time to let the past bring me down.

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