White Belt
Any advice, experiences of this system from others? Practiced this for years. It's always interesting to get feedback from different perspectives. Training does involve resisting partners and the hi-gear training is good as long as your partner just doesn't give way to you intentionally. I find the outside90 principle mostly available to use when an opponent is engaging in a consistent linear/forward motion. As the main principle consists of the splayed fingers, forearm across the neck. However, I do understand that (to my understanding, correct me if you feel differently) it teaches you to get back to a point of being able to get on the aggression and back under control of a fight or person if necessary - where this "spear is a bridge to your next move" comes in. SPEAR seems to be more of a natural tool to be aware of in close quarters where you might have absolutely nothing else even though you do have a strong martial arts background - going by Blauer's word. However, I feel as though I don't have as much confidence as I should have with this system. I feel like its not so much of a primarily used method where you find yourself in any altercation and just go to outside90 straight away. I feel like I'd need to have experience using it in a confrontation outside for me to see it go to work as drilled and practiced.