What did I miss?


Senior Master
Wow, step out of the room for a week and the funiture gets changed around, figurativly speaking.

Any exciting new threads/posts that I just have to check out? While I hate to see anybody banned from the forum, my brain thanks whomever stopped the posts from Monkey. While I think he might have had something to add at times, my head just hurt trying to follow the logic and spelling.

I went to drop off my 2 oldest boys at Cub Scout day camp last Thursday and was Shanghied into being a leader for a group of boys for the duration of the camp. While it was a blast, I just wish I had gotten to spend some time with my own 2 during the camp. (They were together in a group led by the oldest sons regular Den Leader, so I knew they were in good keeping.) I had a group of Webelos 1 (4th graders) and never saw any of them before I was handed my name-tag, daily agenda, two-way radio, and introduced as their leader to them. They turned out to be a great group and I was really pleased that they were chosen almost every day to assist in the morning flag ceremony. Before anybody gets all jumpy about the situation, let me assure you I have taken all the leadership courses, youth protection courses and am current in being registered as a leader with the Scouts. I have covered everything from Tiger Leader to Cub-Master and the camp directors did check with our current Cub-Master first.
bydand said:
Wow, step out of the room for a week and the funiture gets changed around, figurativly speaking.

Any exciting new threads/posts that I just have to check out? While I hate to see anybody banned from the forum, my brain thanks whomever stopped the posts from Monkey. While I think he might have had something to add at times, my head just hurt trying to follow the logic and spelling.

I went to drop off my 2 oldest boys at Cub Scout day camp last Thursday and was Shanghied into being a leader for a group of boys for the duration of the camp. While it was a blast, I just wish I had gotten to spend some time with my own 2 during the camp. (They were together in a group led by the oldest sons regular Den Leader, so I knew they were in good keeping.) I had a group of Webelos 1 (4th graders) and never saw any of them before I was handed my name-tag, daily agenda, two-way radio, and introduced as their leader to them. They turned out to be a great group and I was really pleased that they were chosen almost every day to assist in the morning flag ceremony. Before anybody gets all jumpy about the situation, let me assure you I have taken all the leadership courses, youth protection courses and am current in being registered as a leader with the Scouts. I have covered everything from Tiger Leader to Cub-Master and the camp directors did check with our current Cub-Master first.


It is not the policy of MY to state why someone was banned.

Let me just state that he was removed for the breaking of our Terms of Service.

Thank you

Rich Parsons
Martial Talk
Assistant Adminsistrator
Rich, wasn't looking for a reason at all, none of my business I figure. Just hate to see someone get it, although the ones I have seen I agree with totally. That wasn't my intention, just the one thing I noticed when I logged in yesterday. I really did want to find out the interesting threads and posts that popped into members heads from the past week. Being away for a week I almost went through withdrawls and just needed a "fix" of great MT posts and after a week, there are just too many to wade through.

Tkdgirl, yeah lots of fun. Sometimes I almost feel guilty because I don't know who is having more fun, me or the kids. It is great to see kids explore their world and expand their knowledge base through a good safe program. That is why I like giving my time to the Scouts and watching my boys and their "classmates" at the dojo learn new things that can only help them when they get old like me. LOL
That's why I really enjoy volunteering to help in kid's activities- I can cut loose a little more, and won't get nasty looks from the parents!
Never had the chance to work with cub scouts yet, but some of the best times I had in college were when I was announcing for pop-warner football and little league base ball. Same childish atmosphere, free hotdogs!

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