Are ya bored?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
1) What time is it now? 10:59 am
2) Name as it appears on birth certificate? Ralph Edgar Powers
3.) Nickname? Rex, Mac, Dumba--
4.) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 43 but I didn't get no cake!
5.) Netscape of Internet Explorer? : NEITHER! Mozilla Firefox rules! HA!
6.) Hair color: Brown
7.) Piercings: None
8.) Eye color: Green
9.) Hometown: Depends upon what time of the century you're talking about... Vienna VA., College Grove TN, Dallas, TX, Provo UT.
10.) Born in Town/City: Nashville Tenn.
11) Favorite Food: I'm a carnivore so if it's meat and FRESH (NOT Fear Factor fresh) then I'm all over it.
12.) Ever been to Africa: No, but would very much like to spend a month or two there traveling... well armed in several countries though.
13.) Ever been toilet papering? Does a Police Station count?
14.) Love someone so much it made you cry?: Yes
15.) Been in a car accident? Two of them...
16.) Croutons or bacon bits? BOTH!
17.) Favorite day of the week: Saturday, to go ... CAVING!
18.) Favorite restaurants: Anything EXCEPT FAST FOODS!
19.) Favorite flowers: Rose
20.) Favorite sport to watch: Myself on my friend's caving videos.
21.) Favorite drink: Mountain Dew and Purple Power-aid
22.) Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip Mint
23.) Disney or Warner Bros cartoons? Both
24.) Favorite fast food restaurant? If I had a choice Carl's Jr....
25.) What color is your bedroom carpet? Brown>
26.) How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
27.) Before this one, who sent you an email? Pam TigerPaw (she's a non MA friend who's a real sweetie! :D
28.) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Hansen's High Adventure Specialites... it's a climbing store!
29.) What do you do most often when you are bored? Play computer games if it's crappy weather, GO CAVING when it's great weather!
30.) Bedtime? During employment, 10:30 unemployed... whenever!
31.) Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Either Nalia or Ping!
32.) Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? A Lurker :lurk:
33.) Favorite TV shows? Anything on History Channel, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet or HGTV
34.) Favorite movie of all time? Have too many and that is just the top ten personal favorites. Saw Hero on DVD last night... LOVE IT!
35.) The last person you went out to dinner with: The Crye (Ceicei's) family!
36.) Ford or Chevy? Don't care, both make good vehicles in their own right.
37.) What are you listening to right now? me typing on the keysboard..
38.) What is your favorite color? Black (don't care that it's NOT a color) if you want specifics then okay ... very very very dark grey.
39.) How many tattoos do you have? None
41.) Favorite animal? Bats
42.) Pets? none, wish I had my snakes again though.
43.) Time you finished this e-mail? (ok Quiz... geez) 11:14 AM
1) What time is it now? 12:38 pm
2) Name as it appears on birth certificate? Elaine...........
3.) Nickname? none
4.) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 8, but I was turning 22
5.) Netscape of Internet Explorer? : I.E. work, Firefox or I.E. home
6.) Hair color: Dark Brown
7.) Piercings: Ears
8.) Eye color: Brown
9.) Hometown: Don't really have one anymore
10.) Born in Town/City: East Granby, CT
11) Favorite Food: My dad's home made keilbasa and peirogi's and apple pie
12.) Ever been to Africa: No, wouldn't mind checking it out though
13.) Ever been toilet papering? No
14.) Love someone so much it made you cry?: No
15.) Been in a car accident? Two of them...but they weren't my fault!! :uhyeah:
16.) Croutons or bacon bits? Both
17.) Favorite day of the week: Any day I don't have to show up to work
18.) Favorite restaurants: when I want breakfast... IHOP
19.) Favorite flowers: None near me....allergies, but from afar liliacs
20.) Favorite sport to watch: Myself on my friend's caving videos.
21.) Favorite drink: IBC Bottled Rootbeer
22.) Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
23.) Disney or Warner Bros cartoons? Both
24.) Favorite fast food restaurant? I don't do Fast Food, but if forced, Wendy's
25.) What color is your bedroom carpet? Not a clue...I don't have it by choice so I don't pay attention
26.) How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
27.) Before this one, who sent you an email? Following Caver's post
28.) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
29.) What do you do most often when you are bored? Use the computer
30.) Bedtime? 10pm if I have to go to work the next day, no work 3 am-ish
31.) Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? No clue, whoever else is bored at work
32.) Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? A Lurker :lurk:
33.) Favorite TV shows? Stargate, CSI, Six Feet Under
34.) Favorite movie of all time? No true favorite, like a lot though
35.) The last person you went out to dinner with: Amir (college friend I was trying to help get a job out here)
36.) Ford or Chevy? *shrug* I drive a VW
37.) What are you listening to right now? Matthew Good Band
38.) What is your favorite color? Midnight Blue
39.) How many tattoos do you have? 1, a dragon
41.) Favorite animal? Boston Terrier Dogs
42.) Pets? none, wish I had my puppy again though :(
43.) Time you finished this e-mail? (ok Quiz... geez) 12:49 PM
1) What time is it now? Time is relative
2) Name as it appears on birth certificate? Nope
3.) Nickname? Latest one Truck Monkey (* Google it for a laugh *) , also No Name Clown, etc,
4.) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? Cake?
5.) Netscape or Internet Explorer? : Is this Exclusive OR?
6.) Hair color: Loreal Feria 23
7.) Piercings: None
8.) Eye color: Brown (* Full of Stuff *)
9.) Hometown: Nope
10.) Born in Town/City: Nope
11) Favorite Food: The meal I ordered and am eating
12.) Ever been to Africa: No, Africa and Antartica are the two continents I still need to visit.
13.) Ever been toilet papering? I refuse to answer this without my lawyer present
14.) Love someone so much it made you cry?: Yes
15.) Been in a car accident? Lots of them.
16.) Croutons or bacon bits? Yleck! Bacon Bits
17.) Favorite day of the week: Any day I can sleep in.
18.) Favorite restaurants: Real Food
19.) Favorite flowers: Any in my back yard
20.) Favorite sport to watch: ?
21.) Favorite drink: Water
22.) Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Caramel
23.) Disney or Warner Bros cartoons? Yes, can I add more
24.) Favorite fast food restaurant? I prefer not to eat there
25.) What color is your bedroom carpet? Hardwood floors
26.) How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never
27.) Before this one, who sent you an email? ????
28.) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Max Out? I pay off every month
29.) What do you do most often when you are bored? Read
30.) Bedtime? When Tired
31.) Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? ???
32.) Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? ???
33.) Favorite TV shows? Anything on Sci Fi, History Channel, or Discovery Channel.
34.) Favorite movie of all time? Depends
35.) The last person you went out to dinner with: ???
36.) Ford or Chevy? GMC
37.) What are you listening to right now? The voices in my head ;)
38.) What is your favorite color? Blue and also Purple
39.) How many tattoos do you have? None
41.) Favorite animal? felines and canines
42.) Pets? Cat
43.) Time you finished this e-mail? (ok Quiz... geez) Check posting time
1) What time is it now?12:09pm
2) Name as it appears on birth certificate?
Greg ______
3.) Nickname? G-Man
4.) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 35
5.) Netscape of Internet Explorer? : Firefox of course
6.) Hair color: what hair?
7.) Piercings: none
8.) Eye color: brown
9.) Hometown: King city, CA out in the middle of nowhere
10.) Born in Town/City: No where
11) Favorite Food: Chinese, Mex, Italian in that order
12.) Ever been to Africa: NO, I like places where the kitties can't eat me.
13.) Ever been toilet papering? Its an annual event
14.) Love someone so much it made you cry?: No it was the onions
15.) Been in a car accident? Two of them...
16.) Croutons or bacon bits? Both and lots of dressing
17.) Favorite day of the week: Friday
18.) Favorite restaurants: Anything except French food
19.) Favorite flowers: Roses
20.) Favorite sport to watch: Martial Arts
21.) Favorite drink: Diet Coke
22.) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Strawberry or sherbert
23.) Disney or Warner Bros cartoons? Bugs is my man
24.) Favorite fast food restaurant? Carl's Jr
25.) What color is your bedroom carpet? Brown it covers accidental spills better
26.) How many times did you fail your driver's test? There was a Test
27.) Before this one, who sent you an email? A nice girl who was lonely and on cam, and needed my credit card number. sorrry babe
28.) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Toy's R US
29.) What do you do most often when you are bored? Plot to take over the world.
30.) Bedtime? Lately, just before the sun rises
31.) Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest?
Don't know
32.) Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? A Lurker :lurk:
33.) Favorite TV shows? American Choppers, kung fu the original series
34.) Favorite movie of all time? The good , the bad, and the ugly
35.) The last person you went out to dinner with: Bro
36.) Ford or Chevy? Chevy
37.) What are you listening to right now? Linkin Park , Crawling
38.) What is your favorite color? Black
39.) How many tattoos do you have? None cant find a decent artist
41.) Favorite animal? Dogs, Bears, snakes, and horses
42.) Pets? They is around
43.) Time you finished this e-mail? (ok Quiz... geez)? 12:28pm
1) What time is it now?12:51 pm
2) Name as it appears on birth certificate?
Joshua James
3.) Nickname? dubljay
4.) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 20
5.) Netscape of Internet Explorer? : Firefox of course (what is internet explorer anyway?)
6.) Hair color: Brown
7.) Piercings: none
8.) Eye color: brown
9.) Hometown: San Leandro, CA (east bay SF bay area)
10.) Born in Town/City: same as above
11) Favorite Food: Authentic Mexican food, and california rolls
12.) Ever been to Africa: NO, I like places where the kitties can't eat me.
13.) Ever been toilet papering? I plead the fifth
14.) Love someone so much it made you cry?: No it was the onions
15.) Been in a car accident? ... I plead the fifth again
16.) Croutons or bacon bits? neither
17.) Favorite day of the week: Friday
18.) Favorite restaurants: As long as it isnt fast food I'm good to go
19.) Favorite flowers: Lilacs (my yard is full of em)
20.) Favorite sport to watch: Martial Arts and soccer
21.) Favorite drink: pepsi, water
22.) Favorite ice cream flavor?
23.) Disney or Warner Bros cartoons? Warner Bros
24.) Favorite fast food restaurant? when forced into going Jack in the Box or Carl's Jr
25.) What color is your bedroom carpet? Cheap blue indoor/outdoor carpeting in the dorms
26.) How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never... I scared the DMV guys so bad all he wanted was out of the car... and I wouldnt stop unless I passed

27.) Before this one, who sent you an email? uhh no one sends me email
28.) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? and sakura martial arts
29.) What do you do most often when you are bored? SLEEP! which is usally during class
30.) Bedtime? If I knew where my bed was I would never leave, maybe its under that pile of books and papers
31.) Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest?
Don't know
32.) Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? A Lurker :lurk:
33.) Favorite TV shows? FAMILY GUY!
34.) Favorite movie of all time? The Boondock Saints
35.) The last person you went out to dinner with: Neighbor from down the hall
36.) Ford or Chevy? Chevy... I dont like walkin
37.) What are you listening to right now? Matchbox 20 piano version of 3 AM
38.) What is your favorite color? Black
39.) How many tattoos do you have? None
41.) Favorite animal? Dogs
42.) Pets? At home, I wish I could bring my dog to the dorms
43.) Time you finished this e-mail? (ok Quiz... geez)? 12:28pm1:02 pm
1) What time is it now? 8:48pm
2) Name as it appears on birth certificate? Dr.Evil laugh!
3.) Nickname? you see it everytime you look at my post
4.) Number of candles on your last birthday cake? I didn't get a cake

5.) Netscape of Internet Explorer? : internet exp...I ain't geeky enuff to care

6.) Hair color: Distinguished!
7.) Piercings: None
8.) Eye color: Depends (grn mainly)
9.) Hometown: columbus ohio
10.) Born in Town/City: jacksonville n.c
11) Favorite Food: SUSHI AND SASHIMI! and just about everything else

12.) Ever been to Africa: No, but would love to a photo safari in kenya!
13.) Ever been toilet papering?
14.) Love someone so much it made you cry?: God yes she's been gone 5yrs and I still do
15.) Been in a car accident? oh yea!
16.) Croutons or bacon bits? no
17.) Favorite day of the week: they change?
18.) Favorite restaurants: max and ermas!
19.) Favorite flowers: Rose
20.) Favorite sport to watch: don't like to watch...much

21.) Favorite drink: Gatorade...only cause I can't get it here!
22.) Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip Mint
23.) Disney or Warner Bros cartoons? Warner!
24.) Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco bell...only cuase I can't get it here. Oh God..I'm in hell!
25.) What color is your bedroom carpet? plain ole ugly beige
26.) How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
27.) Before this one, who sent you an email? this wasn't an email..I stole it!
28.) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Galyens! another adventure store!
29.) What do you do most often when you are bored? If I'm bored, its cause I have nothing to do!
30.) Bedtime? When I get there...
31.) Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? ??
32.) Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? everybody.
33.) Favorite TV shows? Anything on History Channel, Discovery Channel, 24,Rescue me, Reno 911
34.) Favorite movie of all time? seperate sheet of paper please
35.) The last person you went out to dinner with: marcus
36.) Ford or Chevy? chevy...CAUSE I CAN'T GET ONE HERE!
37.) What are you listening to right now? the chauffer by Duran Duran..then Massive attack
38.) What is your favorite color? RED
39.) How many tattoos do you have? None
41.) Favorite animal? all cept cats..unless they be bigg'uns!
42.) Pets? none, but lookin into a python or boa soon
43.) Time you finished this e-mail? (ok Quiz... geez) 9:08