Don Roley said:
"Racist" eh?
Ninjutsu is a Japanese term. There are references to it in Japanese history and you can find people in Japan practicing it
I don't want to insult, just point out the problems with contrasting what Tew says is ninjutsu and what every Japanese source says is ninjutsu.
Sensei Tew did not say what Nin Jutsu is. He speak only of Nin Jitsu. Two differenct animals. However;
Pardon me as I was just flying by. The Tengu will again vanish after this post until something of importance to all is mentioned or discussed. Most likely will now respond to replys to this post. Just a FYI.
Lord help us, but I "almost" totally agree with Don Roley.
Mr. Roley says:
"Ninjutsu is a Japanese term. There are references to it in Japanese history and you can find people in Japan practicing it."
Sojobow says: Half truth, but more correct to say that "you can find people in Japan practicing what THEY THINK IT IS." (will explain more below so keep reading now). But the basic phrase is correct in that Ninjutsu is a Japanese term but borrowed from the Chinese.
Mr. Roley says:
"So, I look at an art like Tew-ryu and I see very, very little in common with the what I see being called ninjutsu in Japan. I can look at any Japanese art like Yagyu Shingan ryu (which I have studied) and say that Tew ryu has nothing much in common with even a Japanese art let alone one called ninjutsu."
Sojobow says: Mr. Roley is absolutely correct. Tew Ryu has nothing much in common with this thing called "Ninjutsu." From what I can see, Sensei Tew teaches his form of American N i n j
i t s u thus, Mr. Roley is correct again.
Mr. Roley says:
"Has Rick Tew lied? Not that I can tell. Is what he does consistent with what the art known in Japan as ninjutsu is known as? Nope, not even a little."
Sojobow says: Mr. Roley is again, absolutely correct. What Sensei Tew teaches is unknown in Japan.
Mr. Roley says:
"The problem is what do we talk about when we have so little in common. Rick Tew is a young, unproven martial artist with no experience with the Japanese art. "
Sojobow says: Mr. Roley may be correct again but I would venture to guess that Sensei Tew might know a lot more than Mr. Roley gives him credit for. He, Sensei Tew, is young and unproven
in Japan but I'd really hate to see someone try him. Life is too short. (Interesting term: "Kan." The actual term taken (borrowed) from the Chinese in the development of the Japanese term: "Nin." But that (the blade over the heart and Kanji of Kan, Cho, Sankai is a subject for another flyby)
Mr. Roley says:
"I would not stop him from teaching an art he created, but if this is a section of the Japanese section of Martialtalk, why should we be listening to a voice that has no tie to that country?
Sojobow says:
Mr. Roley is absolutely correct again. The owners of this Forum (as well as others such as BudoSeek) either do not know and understand that there are others in the world of martial arts that study something called "Ninjitsu," or these Forum owners do not consider any existance of anything not "Kan," or, these owners lump all practitioner's of the Stealer-ins as a Japanese Artform. I would think that, at least, these owners would have a section set aside for "Ninjitsu" under another group heading not Japanese. The current systems on these Forums breed martial arts bigotry and other prejudices as well as limit dialogue. (REFERENCE TO CERTAIN SCIENCES AND NOT A REFERENCE TO SOME CONTINENT.)
(Why is it that the Kogas know what and how the Kans/X-Kans do what they do, but not the other way around? Why listen???? Why not!!!!!)
Again, Mr. Roley is absolutely correct. Only Kans/X-Kans are welcomed here and other Forums like this one. Enson will not be welcomed here. Sojobow was not and will never be welcome here, those not born of the Bujinkan will not be welcome here. All Bujinkans having an outstanding balance due, will not be welcomed here so you guys had better keep you cards updated and dues paid.
Mr. Roley says:
"....the subject matter as it is taught and known in the country where it takes it name from. "
Sojobow says: As promised above by my statement: ""you can find people in Japan practicing what THEY THINK IT IS."", I find it perplexing that the Kans/X-Kans seem to not know the differences in being taught the Art of the Iga and of the Koga versus the Art of the Samurai. The art of the Iga and the Koga DID NOT INCLUDE THE "16 ARTS OF THE SAMURAI." The Bansensuki of the Koga is different compared to the Bansensuki of the Iga therefore, the two systems of Iga and Koga are different. One would have to be able to read Kanbun as the language of writtings of Koga and Iga is not "Japanese" but are actually in a bastardized Chinese language. Koga difinately had no "16 Arts of the Samurai."
I could be wrong. But I don't seem to recall that The Bansensuki includes references to most of the "16 Samurai Arts." I do see the references to the "16 Arts of Ninjutsu" within the Kan, however, I have never noted any Kan student discussing the arts of explosives, poisons, Kuji-In, Astrology, Espionage, Psyops, Black Arts, Black-Ops, Religeons, Philosophy, Sex, etc. (Note: Do you also practice the Religeons of Buddhism and Shinto? If not, what Ninjutsu family do you proclaim?) This is also the reason there is no living individual having attained the original rank of Shihan. The Kan/X-Kan of today do not take the same test for Rank above 4th Dan as those under the Sokeships prior to Hatsumi Sensei thus, the Ninjutsu as taught in Japan today is not what was passed to Hatsumi. But, to me, it doesn't matter. All of you above 3rd Dan are ok with me. Just wanted to let you know that some of the Koga Ryu-ha know. We also know why you do not welcome those not of your Ryu-ha. Truth will somehow devulge itself if free-speach is left unrestricted.
Item Last (no reply necessary): I have seen the earliest Sword of the Samurai dating long before the Heian Period. I have also seen the earliest known sword of the practitioners of Koga and Iga. Both were black and both have straight blades. The "Blade Over the Heart" depicts a straight blade.
Have the Moderator delete this post before too many open minded warriors think on its contents.