What and When to eat before attending practice


Orange Belt
I had a fun experience today during our TKD practice lol. Bassically what happened is that I got worn out and had to run to the bathroom to barf lol. The problem was that I ate Burger King a 5 pm and attendet paractice which is at 7:30. I thought that by that time everything would be ok but I gues I was wrong. So I'm just wondering when and what would be good to eat before practice so that you are energized and ready to go. Oh also I don't eat a lot of fast food or anything like that it was a exception today.
hmm thats interesting. Are you sure you just didn't get a bad burger. Sometimes i'll go to practice right after eating and be fine, although i prefer to eat afterwards as not to risk any accidents. well sorry for your bad luck mate.
It just might be that I ate a little too much. It's ok though, you'd be amazed what a little barfing can do for you lol (I know it's kinda gross). I just thought that it's an interesting topic to talk about.
I really try to avoid eating within a few hours before a workout. I'd rather have the blood flowing to my muscles as opposed to my stomach. Then there's the whole puking thing...:barf:
Some people digest food faster than others, I can eat one hour and a half before and be fine. Meat tends to take longer, so maybe have a smaller burger or just some protein and a light salad 2 hrs before.
This is a delicate balance for me but my case is not the norm. I am a diabetic. I remember right after we started classes I ate before we went and took my insulin. About halfway through I almost blacked out. I learned that I need to eat and only take about half the insulin I think I need.

This has only happened 1 other time since then.

Your workouts sound like they are much harder than mine. Although hubby couldn't eat before class either. Doesn't bother me.
I don't think there's one right answer for everyone - I used to know a guy who went to McDonald's, ate a couple of Big Macs, a couple of order of fries, and a milkshake - and finished as he walked in the door of the YMCA - and he never had any problems. If eating at Burger King a couple of hours before class didn't work, try something else - it could be the timing, or it could be the food, or it could be a combination of the two. Try eating something lighter on fat/grease - that's often a problem for a lot of people.
I'm a fan of Power Bars. I'll eat one about 30-45 minutes before class. It seems to help give me the energy I need during the workout without that heavy feeling of a big meal. I also try to eat a little something afterword.
Gad, no fast food for me. Ate McD's before class once. Never again. My class is at 7pm, so usually what I'll do is eat something small around 5:30-6:00 and then eat dinner afterward. The only food I've had a problem with is fast food. Had the best class once after two hot dogs and some mac n cheese, go figure.
I'm a fan of Power Bars. I'll eat one about 30-45 minutes before class. It seems to help give me the energy I need during the workout without that heavy feeling of a big meal. I also try to eat a little something afterword.

I've tried Power Bars and they make me nauseous every time, whether I'm working out or not. Maybe it's an allergy or something.
I think it is totally a personal thing. I know when I went to class I couldn't eat heavy for about 4 hours prior. I knew others that could munch down tons of fast food right before class and have no problems.

If you barfed, my guess is that burger king isn't a good choice for you. :)
I really try to avoid eating within a few hours before a workout. I'd rather have the blood flowing to my muscles as opposed to my stomach. Then there's the whole puking thing...:barf:

I agree.

I'm one of those who prefer to eat no closer than four hours before my workout.

As jdinca pointed out, if you eat too close to your workout your body will have directed blood to the digestive system, which means less blood flow to your muscles.

Also, I don't like stuff sloshing around in my stomach while working out.

I find that even if I feel a little bit hungry right before class, once I start warming up I no longer feel hungry.

For a long time I was very dedicated to the idea of "carbo loading," so on workout days I would ALWAYS eat a big plate of spaghetti four hours before the workout.

Now I vary my diet, somewhat, but avoid stuff like tacos and chili for meals before workouts ;)
:lfao: Been there, done that! Cleared the mat!

Funny stuff :D

Me, I rarely eat before class at all because it makes me tired. We have an 8:30 class and if I eat before hand and we get around to sparring at 9:00 or so, I'll get my head handed to me ;) If anything I would drink some water or even a cup of coffee before going to the dojang just to be awake.

I'm in that group that, for optimum performance, can't eat less than about four hours prior to a strenuous workout. I do, however, pop a couple of Clif Shot Bloks about 15-20 minutes prior. These are a solid version (solid like gummi bears, but slightly softer) of gel packs. About the size of a small, square ice cube, they give me a boost and keep me from bonking.

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