The makers of the Camelback Hydration system have a motto: "Hydrate or DIE." This is very true. Since the human body (and most everything else on this planet) is composed of nearly 70% water we lose it through exertion and our bodies natural cooling process called sweating (perspiration, for those of the upper class caste).
Continuing hydrate in extreme temprature situations (yes even extreme cold) helps the body replace valuable moisture in order to stay alive.
Find shady spots to do your outdoor work outs/practices/sparring whatever! Continue to drink copious amounts of water even if you're NOT thirsty in those conditions. You're not doing your body any good working out in the type of conditions where you're losing water faster than normal because the AC is out and humidity and tempratures are high.
Like Marginal I live in very dry climate (Utah as compared to Colorado). It's the desert no matter how much snow you see on the mountains. Back east where humidity levels are higher the danger of dehydration is just the same.
Water helps thin the blood and thinner blood helps carry oxygen to the brain faster. It's just common sense. So what if you gotta stop your regime every twenty or thirty minutes to flush. It's good for you.
One word further; Gatorade, poweraid, and those other "aid" drink ARE good (to ok) for fluid replacement, but they're more useful in replacing the salts and electrolytes loss during extreme workouts/sweating. But water (H-2-0) is far more essential to fluid loss replacement. So if you must, then have at least twice as much water consumption per fluid oz of those "aid" drinks.
Remember also to cool down often during the work out... it'll help.
From the tv show M*A*S*H:
Klinger (referring to Maj. Winchester): Look at him, he isn't sweating, I never saw a guy who doesn't sweat.
Charles: In the first place I don't sweat I perspire, and in the second place...I don't perspire.