Yellow Belt
So, I get into my car to leave the firehouse this morning, after working for 24 hours. I go to grab a pair of the spare sunglasses that I keep in my car and they are missing. I didn't think anything of it, just figured I had used them and forgotten to put them back in the car. I stop at Dunkin Donuts to get some breakfast and notice that the spare change I keep in my car is also missing. Hmmm......odd. I start looking around my car and notice other things missing as well.
The firehouse I work at is located in between cornfields, and we can see whenever anyone enters the parking lot. It is in the back of the firehouse and the entrance is in the front, so you can't get to the parking lot without us seeing you (unless we are out on a run/training/etc. or asleep, that is). In the three years I have been there, we have never had any sort of problems with stuff disappearing, so I don't typically lock my car. There are execeptions, of course, when I have things inside my car. Now, that is going to have to change.
I called the firehouse to let everyone on shift today know they need to make sure their cars are locked, so it doesn't happen to them as well. It just totally sucks. I know times are tough, and more and more people are doing things that they wouldn't typically do, but who goes to a firehouse and tries to steal from the people there?????? Part of me has to wonder if it wasn't a kid(s) because there was only stuff taken from the front of my car, but my son's CD player and CDs which were in the back seat were still there (even though they took all of the CDs from the front).
The firehouse I work at is located in between cornfields, and we can see whenever anyone enters the parking lot. It is in the back of the firehouse and the entrance is in the front, so you can't get to the parking lot without us seeing you (unless we are out on a run/training/etc. or asleep, that is). In the three years I have been there, we have never had any sort of problems with stuff disappearing, so I don't typically lock my car. There are execeptions, of course, when I have things inside my car. Now, that is going to have to change.
I called the firehouse to let everyone on shift today know they need to make sure their cars are locked, so it doesn't happen to them as well. It just totally sucks. I know times are tough, and more and more people are doing things that they wouldn't typically do, but who goes to a firehouse and tries to steal from the people there?????? Part of me has to wonder if it wasn't a kid(s) because there was only stuff taken from the front of my car, but my son's CD player and CDs which were in the back seat were still there (even though they took all of the CDs from the front).
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