Say what? <SHOCK>


Sr. Grandmaster
I am taking some of my scouts from point A to point B (short trip)
I try to annoy them as mucha s I can, so I had my classic CD on in the car.
We stop, one of them sighs, 'it was just getting to the good part!' :eek:

The result, I give him the CD from the car (Beethoven, Symphonies 5 and 6...)
But he is a band geek....

Then, on another trip, I have more guys in the car 'Oh, Beethoven' I hear from the back seat. I am floored...because that's the jock in the group. And yes, It was a piano concert by the man.


And when you loo at the selection in the stores (I have been picking up CDs her and there, jumping on every chance I had, because classic is hard to come by!) you's think Classic was dead!

Of course, I offered to share my library (shh, don't tell)


educating the world, one scout at a time! :ultracool
I am taking some of my scouts from point A to point B (short trip)
I try to annoy them as mucha s I can, so I had my classic CD on in the car.
We stop, one of them sighs, 'it was just getting to the good part!' :eek:

The result, I give him the CD from the car (Beethoven, Symphonies 5 and 6...)
But he is a band geek....

Then, on another trip, I have more guys in the car 'Oh, Beethoven' I hear from the back seat. I am floored...because that's the jock in the group. And yes, It was a piano concert by the man.


And when you loo at the selection in the stores (I have been picking up CDs her and there, jumping on every chance I had, because classic is hard to come by!) you's think Classic was dead!

Of course, I offered to share my library (shh, don't tell)


educating the world, one scout at a time! :ultracool

The little buggers will floor you with what they are actually paying attention to at times, won't they?