West Denver - Lakewood

That's just so cool.

Thanks Buka. My 68th Birthday is tomorrow. :) And they're working my butt off, to get me ready to test this fall, for 1st Brown. I'm hearing that it's a 6 hour test. Whew! But one of the things this school teaches is that you only lose if you quit. :)
Thanks Buka. My 68th Birthday is tomorrow. :) And they're working my butt off, to get me ready to test this fall, for 1st Brown. I'm hearing that it's a 6 hour test. Whew! But one of the things this school teaches is that you only lose if you quit. :)
Happy Birthday and good luck on your test.
Happy Birthday and good luck on your test.

Thanks Tames!

Well the test isn't expected to be until sometime in the fall. :)

Another thing I like about this school is that they don't push people to test when they're not ready - in fact the opposite. It's considered against school etiquette to even ask. When the student is ready, they tell them. So they've hinted so far, that they think I should be ready sometime in the fall. ( I never said a word. ) When they think so, I'll get an invite card. :)

Another student asked me a couple of months ago, when I was going to test, being I'd been back for so long, and others are testing at various times. I replied; When they think I'm ready.

I don't worry about the destination, as long as I'm enjoying the journey. :)
MamaBear,MamaBear,MamaBear.....happy birthday to you. You go, girl.

Just made my night, you did.
Thanks Buka. My 68th Birthday is tomorrow. :) And they're working my butt off, to get me ready to test this fall, for 1st Brown. I'm hearing that it's a 6 hour test. Whew! But one of the things this school teaches is that you only lose if you quit. :)
Happy birthday!
From one June 25th person to another, happy birthday!

I don't know about you, but I always got the shaft in elementary school regarding birthday parties. The used to celebrate half birthdays for those of us who had birthdays in the summer. Our half birthday is Christmas Day. No half birthday party for me in school either.

I'm not bitter though :)
You being in Denver reminded me...

Have you ever checked out Enshin karate? Its headquartered in Denver. It's a Kyokushin offshoot run by Joko Ninomiya, who was a legend in Kyokushin. They incorporate circular movement and judo throwing into their curriculum.

I've always had a huge interest in it, but never had a dojo anywhere I've lived. YouTube Sabaki Challenge to see their style of fighting.

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