Much of Japanese Budo history is rooted in ancient myths and legends similar to ancient Greeks. I started training at age 14 in 1979. So of course, I took a deep dive when I first heard about Ninja. I read everything. Then I went to college to study history and was also trained in doing actual research.
I also have had many conversations with career American serviceman who spent their 20 years stationed in Okinawa who studied classical Okinawan Te and Kobudo. There has always been controversial debate on the actual history of Okinawan Te within Ryku Historical society. When asked why the common theme has always been, "Okinawan Karate "Masters" are great bullshitters. Do not be fooled by the movies." They love how the Karate kid has made them money from western karate students seeking true enlightenment from the gurus! They are the ones who fed the old narrative about these legendary farmers defeating Samuria with nothing but kicks, punches and farm tools.
This also goes on in Japan. Japanese love Samuria myths and legends just like we do. They eat up just like we do.
Samurai Fighting Arts
Free ebook on Google by Fumon Tanaka. Tanaka appears to be pacifying historians and believers in Ninjutsu at the same time. Tanaka and Hatsumi must be the greatest athletes in history with claims of 10th dans in every Japanese style of Budo.
Funny how Judo and JKA are not on the list. Both organizations operate similar to Academic Universities. If you have a purple belt from the JKA there is an official record.
Dr. Hatsumi’s teacher traveled on foot through Mongolia challenging Mongols to fights to the death.
I have friends who lived in Mongolia. They seem to have given up on death duels as their main sport. My friend said they only have one true obsession which is basketball.
I think it is time to give credit to the mastermind of creating the way of the Ninja.
I present Akira Kurosawa. One of the greatest film directors and story tellers in history. He was the pioneer of using age old mythological themes that movie people love.
George Lucas gives Kurosawa full credit for Star Wars. Lucas just changed the word Ninja to Sith Lord.
I call Bull **** Do on every Ninjutsu claim, whether from the West or Japan. This includes all Japanese Ninja organizations, diasoke shihan master splinter teachers and sellers of lies. This includes Hatsumi, The Mongolian Assassin and Stephen K Hayes. They made a fortune lselling fantasy. I have heard rumors that George Dillman wished he would have gotten into the racket.
I will leave it with Dr. Stephen Turnbull. The wests greatest Historian on Japanese Military History.
No pay wall.