We're Dancing


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
That is what my daughter Olivia says when she comes down to daddy's dojang. She is too little to start any classes, so we just play. I bought her a 0000 dobak and put it on her. She said called it her snowman suit!!!!!



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That is so cute. I didn't know they made them in 0000!! Keep on doing that play, what a great activity for Dad and daughter!! TW
She is only three...and I am working hard on pee and poop kun kyuk into the toilet.


Awwww!! My son will be 3 in February......I understand the toilet training thing- we're working on that now too!!

He will do a few punches and kicks for me during the day but then gets distracted......it's a start though. Was thinking of getting him his first little gi for his 3rd birthday- good to know they make them that small!!

Keep on "dancing"!! And best wishes to you in all the areas of training you are doing with her. My instructor used to do his forms/katas (just the footwork) with his infant son on his shoulders......that kid was literally born into the dojo and continues there today at age 7.

:asian: :karate:
Smart little woman -- into weapons training already!

She is just adorable, but you know that.

So--- when are you starting the little guy?
i just seen this thread and i want to warn all of you.

Don't let the cutness distract you cause this one has a mighty ki-op. she is

more evil than a balrog (demon) having withdrawls.

Naw i'm kidding, shes adorable in every way.

(she's my neice. Good genes there.)
I love to see girls in training.:ultracool Cute seems to be the word of the day and it fits. That must mean that Kid you are a cutie too! :)
mj-hi-yah said:
I love to see girls in training.:ultracool Cute seems to be the word of the day and it fits. That must mean that Kid you are a cutie too! :)
I'm all grown up so cutes not th right word. I prefer tall dark and handsome. But I guess cute will be ok for now. And Olivia is way cuter that I.
Very cute pictures and remember they can learn at that age just a little at a time.