They went too far this time...

I smell my gi before I put it on now...oh the trauma! PTSS!

It's almost worth it to take the blue pill, but I can never go back now. Flatlander, you were right!!!!!!!!!!
The Feline will conquer and shred all anti-feline leanings!!! Feline will collect, segregate and squash all resistance to the new regime!!

Supreme Feline sinks claws deep into Canine jugular and rips away while biting out the eyes - YUMMY!!!!
Johnny Ringo grasps cat by the head and have's a nice luncheon!
Feline wrenches up hind quarters and cuts loose in gaping hole in John's neck.
Shesulsa: I once had a cat named Mister P. All my dogs revered him! He was the only cat that they would not kill! Bless his heart, and bless his passing! He was my brother!
right on - sorry, I guess I misunderstood...I thought your dog and my cat were doing battle.

*down kitty*
If they ever met they would do battle. Mister P is the only cat that they loved. That's just because he was their elder.

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