Well it's spread... and to the worst place.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Know how we just totally hope that those stupid super chi suckers will just go away! The ones that can knock out people without touching them, or just the slightest touch puts people into a coma??

Well it's spread to tele-evangelism. Watch this guy... wow able to knock out whole crowds with a wave of his hand.
caution soundtrack is replaced with a heavy metal song called "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor" (it's satire at it's best as obviously the person who created/posted the vid doesn't believe in this guy either).
His name is Benny Hinn.

Wonder how much this guy makes on an average night of bull crapping people? Wonder how much he pays the folks on the stage to fall down for him? Wonder what would happen if someone DIDN'T fall down... would they be damned in front of the crowd for being an unbeliever!

Wonder... if he's the anti-christ? :lfao: NOT!

Pretty sad that bunches of folks have fallen for this. Really sad indeed! Gives faith and religion and preaching a very bad name. Some people really are looking for answers. When dipwads like this guy comes along and talks a great talk then uses subterfuge and lies and an mass illusion to take their money and falsely build up their faith... pretty sad.
Benny Hill?

I loved that guy.

This wasn't his best work.....it needed the Hills Angels to show up....

As George Dillman curses under his breath at them...
Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor.... (they don't necessarily have to be dead :wink1: )

I like the way you think..LOL...
I've seen this video before and about the only MT safe thing that I can say is that I just cannot understand why people would fall for such ********. This is a form of mind control and people need to start calling a spade a spade when it comes to this kind of thing.
I was thinking last night about issuing a public challenge to him but realized that the guy has about a thousand outs. Mainly that "the Lord's will cannot be challenged..." and that I "would not have sufficent faith to be "healed".
Sooo, attending without his knowledge his little gatherings and just simply not falling down when he whooshes his arm/hand towards me. :idunno:

Sigh, then I realized that just like Swaggart, Angley, and a host of others, he'll get caught in his own personal "sins" and just fade away among the other wolves that tried to hide in sheeps clothing.

Just pretty damn sad that this sort of thing goes on and that people are just so gullible to fall for it.
Group psychology... The people have the need to "fit in" or to try to "prove" they are like the others.


The phenomenon of "being slain in the Spirit" goes back long before Asian Martial Arts were established in America

It's not an uncommon practice among "Holy Roller" churches across America.

Might as well make fun of sprinkling water on a baby's head to make sure it gets into heaven

or kneeling on a little carpet facing a certain compass heading.

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