Senior Master
... and then immediately relax and go back to normal breathing once you've absorbed the hit.
This and what Shai Halud and RTKDCMB said. Except you need to get serious about breathing exercises. The benefits in gi and breathing in general don't come overnight. But when they come, many things fall into place.
Think what would happen if you were in a real fight and got kicked like that. Your ability to kiai, out loud or silently, should come into play. If you are holding your breath, that isn't happening. You would also instinctively move back to keep your balance. Why not in practice?
As to gi, I believe in it, and have experienced it. I have found that in times of stress, I move into a gi breathing mode without even thinking. I also breath better at all times. I know not everyone believes in gi. If you don't, please don't hijack this thread. Just accept that you and I have different beliefs and experiences and let it go. Let the OP make up his own mind of it. I would still recommend a continuous regimin of breathing.