A couple of months ago we were sparring in class and I got my feet knocked out from under me. I did a nice breakfall but got a rug/mat burn on my elbow. Ever since then, when I bend my elbow, or lean on my elbow it hurts alot like there's still a rug burn there, or like the skin is dry and cracked. It doesn't feel that way all the time but it does most of the time and it's pretty painful. It looks fine. There is no rug burn, the skin is not dry, it looks normal, but OUCH, most of the time. I did not land on my elbow, I smacked out, but it did rub against the floor. I didn't even notice it at the time. Does anyone have any idea what's going on with my elbow? I thought it would be gone by now but it doesn't seem to be improving at all.