Hyper-extended Elbow


Orange Belt
Okay, I got a bit overly ambitious practicing my spinning back-fist on the heavy bag at the gym yesterday morning, and well, hyper-extended my elbow when I misjudged the distance. And being stubborn (and probably a bit stupid) I still went to cardio-kickboxing class last night (which includes bag-work and about 100 push-ups), and did even more bag-work at the gym this afternoon. I know the pain will go away eventually, but was just wondering for future reference what the best remedy (if any) is for this, as pain medicine does not even touch the pain.
well i was told that i hyper- extended my (calf?) idk but i kept it wrapped up and didnt use it or at least tried not to use it. icy hot also may help even tho its for muscles. but idk this might be a different situation. :idunno:
See a doctor. My elbows have been shot for years, because I continuously hyperextended them, the only thing that helped was glucosamine and chondriton, but it wasn't a quick fix, it took a couple of months before I felt the difference. Resting it as much as possible is probably the best way to go, after getting actual medical advice.
I hyper-extended my elbowabout a year ago and it still bothers me while doing push ups. I was also, well, not smart because when I hyper-extended mine I was also doing push ups right after. Ha Ha!!! You live you learn
The last time I was convinced I had hype extended my elbow I decided after it did not appear to get any better to go see my MD and he told my I tore some ligaments.

Go see a doctor
Xue is right without a proper Doctor you can never know what you have really done to it.
Well, thank you all for your advice. It is still a little bit sore, but it is much better than it was. I stayed in the shower before my kenpo class this morning for about 45 with the very hot water pounding on it, it helped quite a bit. I then also went to my cardio-kickboxing this evening...guess I am a glutton for punishment, but I just had to eek in that last real workout before the weekend :banghead: If it is still sore next week, I will go see my doctor, but I am pretty sure all I did was hyper-extend it.