Elbow question (Medical)

Thanks Tony :)

I have a tendency towards allergic reactions to herbals and other such products.. I tried a couple of innocuous treatments once and it was a benadryl moment.. so needless to say I'm hesitant if not downright paranoid about what I put into my system. I'm sure it works nicely and sure wish I could give it a try.. the only meds I'll take are Excedrin and that's it~!!

I'm really glad it helped you.. and I appreciate your advice!


My training and licensure are as a Chiro w/ Sports Med focus, but am currently working as rehab & PT supervisor and PA in an orthopedic med group. If there's anything I can offer, I'd be glad to help, but would need to know more about the location of the injury and type of pain, as well as what bony bumps are bigger then they used to be. And for what it's worth, burning pain with minimal motion is usually a sign that you're tugging on an unhealed site, and may have started the strength (rubber band) part of your rehab before the soft tissues had a good chance to set. It may be worth it in the long run (even though it causes stir-craziness) to peel back on the stength rehab, and just do light range-of-motion and gentle stretching exercises for a spell. A damaged nerve is more likely to present with a deep, dull aching pain with associated sclerotomal/referred pain (parts hurting that didn't take the hit, because they all grew up out of the same cell-groups as an embryo); the focal burning during activity is a possible cue that it needs more rest; it may indicate that you're tearing weakly bonded/healing tissues a bit more with the efforts that make it burn.


Thanks Dave :)

The area that I've noticed protruding is the lateral epicondyle.. in comparison to the left arm it is much more pronounced and when I palpate the area.. with my left fingers, I can place my index finger on the tip of the bone, and rolling my finger downward 3 fingerwidths.. that entire area is very tender. The burning pain comes totally out of the blue, even at rest. I'm sure it's a good case of Tennis elbow.. though I think I shall rename it to Kenpo Elbow *G*
I appreciate your time and information~!!

Thank you :D

Hi Tess,

My husband had tennis elbow and also injured the wrist on the same arm. They hurt for months and he was losing strength in the arm because he couldn't use it much. My knees were also becoming sore when I excercised. This is what we did and it worked.

Begin taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements and MSM supplements. These are good for joints and connective tissue. I used to be a horse owner and did a lot of jumping which is very hard on the horses knees. These supplements were given to horses to prevent lameness from that type of activity. I also owned a tack store at the time (horse stuff) and had alot of people coming into my store buying those supplements for themselves. Later it came out in dosages for people.

So when my husband and I began having these problems a few years after I sold my horse and closed the store I went to good old Stuffmart and got them for us. My husbands arm is fine now and so are my knees. You do have to take the supplements daily and it takes a while to build up in your system. But if you take the daily dosage faithfully it will help if that's what the problem is. Even if the problem is something else and those supplements don't apply...they will still benefit your joints and connective tisssue and could help prevent problems in the future.

Good luck and I hope you heal quickly. :)
KenpoTess said:
Thanks Dave :)

The area that I've noticed protruding is the lateral epicondyle.. in comparison to the left arm it is much more pronounced and when I palpate the area.. with my left fingers, I can place my index finger on the tip of the bone, and rolling my finger downward 3 fingerwidths.. that entire area is very tender. The burning pain comes totally out of the blue, even at rest. I'm sure it's a good case of Tennis elbow.. though I think I shall rename it to Kenpo Elbow *G*
I appreciate your time and information~!!

Thank you :D


If the burning is from resulting myofasciitis/tennis elbow (kenpo elbow) post injury, a good Rolfer will be able to do wonders for you. Forget the Chiro's, keep away from the prtho's, and locate a Rolfer...specilize in deep-tissue "re-sculpting" of the connective tissue of the body. They usually like to sell you on a 10-series (10 visits in a row), but not necessary for treatment of a specific injury. I do "Active Release", which is a jippy rip-off form of the stuiff Rolfers do, and kindergarten compared to their work. However, for the $150.00-ish you'll pay that one visit, you'll be absolutely amazed at the outcome.

I send all my toughest, recalcitrant cases to Rolfers...seen people who didn't respond to conservative care, and even failed surgeries, come out of 1-2 sessions with no pain or restricton. Forewarning...hurts like hell. VERY deep tissue massage...premedicate with a bottle of your favorite beverage before going, and have somebody else drive.

Had medial epicondylitis so bad, I finally caved and saw one of the rolfers I had been referring to. Hurt like blazes as the guy "stripped" the fascia from mid-brachium to carpal tunnel. Went from not being able to hold a cup of coffee to just fine. It's my secret weapon when working with the cases everybody else has failed on...send them to a rolfer. People still say, "Dr. C helped me so much", and if I'm lucky...from a biz standpoint...I can cut them off before they get to the part about how I helped by sending them to someone else. :-)

Yeah, the price per visit is steep, but you'll only need to go one time to see marked, serious improvement.

Bon Chance!


PS -- look them up on the web. Should be able to find someone near you. They are the quiet underground that doctors turn to when they are in trouble. One of the ortho's I work with finally caved and went as a conservative care trial before surgery. 80-90% improvement in 2 visits, with 3 levels of lumbar disc herniation + occlusion of neural foramen. He's having a hard time now making spinal surgery referrals with a straight conscience.
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
Hi Tess,

Begin taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements and MSM supplements.

Good luck and I hope you heal quickly. :)

Thanks TigerLady~!

I tried one brand of Glucosamine/Chondroitin and my tongue started itching like crazy.. :( soooo I quickly realized I have an allergy to something in it..So hence my hesitancy to try any other such products..
One of my friends nearly died when he took the same thing and didn't realize he was very allergic to alfalfa.. and it was one of the ingrediants.. so now he's very cautious..
I'm not sure what I'm allergic to but I'm pretty paranoid bout trying anything new :(

Dave, Yes I've heard good things about Rolfing and that's good advice, we know a guy who just happens to be one sooo may give him a call:D

I've been trying this magnetic brace for the last 72 hours and it really seems to be helping.. still some burning when I'm typing.. hence I'm not typing alot on MT lately ..

I sure appreciate all~!!
Thank you~!

KenpoTess said:
Thanks TigerLady~!

I tried one brand of Glucosamine/Chondroitin and my tongue started itching like crazy.. :( soooo I quickly realized I have an allergy to something in it..So hence my hesitancy to try any other such products..
One of my friends nearly died when he took the same thing and didn't realize he was very allergic to alfalfa.. and it was one of the ingrediants.. so now he's very cautious..
I'm not sure what I'm allergic to but I'm pretty paranoid bout trying anything new :(


Yeah, I'd be hesitant to try something new too! Yikes!

I really hope you find something to help get your elbow back in order quickly and hopefully painlessly...both physically and in the old pocketbook.
Well I've been wearing this magnetic elbow brace for 2 weeks around the clock.. and I will attest.. It has helped immensely~!! I tried the magnetic-free same type of support for the same amount of time and it didn't help at all.... so I have to say.. the magnets are doing something ~!
If I take it off.. the burning pain comes back immediately. I'm still taking it easy in my tecs and have put sparring on hold for a few months.. but It's so much more tolerable and I'm very pleased :)
Hey fellow Kenponist's :asian: ,

Been having a problem with my right elbow since I started training Kenpo. Started in Sept. last year and after a couple months started having pain in my elbow. Figured it was due to my body being fairly idle for 7 years, (was a gymnast before that, all through high school and coached for a few years during college, and no issues with said elbow).

Took it easy on that arm and it went away. Came back a couple months later and talked to a physical therapist about it, she said it was just like tennis elbow. Need to rub it and give it a friction massage for 15 min then ice it for 15 min (uhmmm, she said "Massage" :boing2:). Helped and went away again (:wink2:).

Started sabbatical from work (2 months paid vac every 7 yrs. :ultracool ) recently and stepped up my training a whole just tested for my purple belt, Woohoo!
Prob is, my stupid elbow is acting up again :mad: nothing too acute, just sore and week. Sifu said, I need to take care of that or it could turn in to tendentious.

So, here is the elbow question:
What can I do to for me elbow? Cut it off and try a hook? Arrrrr %-} (Finally figured a way to use that sucker :rolleyes: ) rather not go to the Dr. is avail though. What do you guys think? Just looking for help from anybody that may have gone through this already. Thanxs.
Hey Maltair~!

Oh I sure commiserate with you... it's miserable, these elbows when they act up~! Read the replies to what people said to me and hopefully something there will give you relief. Mine comes and goes.. if I leave it alone and not use it, the pain lessens.. but I'm also now affected by weather. When it's cold.. man it hurts.. also when it is bad weather out.. go figure.. I've had to put a hold on sparring and my Penjak Silat training as the latter is Elbow movement prevalent~!

Good luck


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