Wearing Uniforms Outside

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shinzu
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At our school we are highly encouraged to come to class as dressed as possible, as we do not have any changing rooms or locker rooms.

If I am coming from home, I drive to class in my gi pants and usually a university sweatshirt. If I'm coming from work, I break my school rules and change in the rest room. My instructors are understanding...as I have a very long drive to get to class.
Damian Mavis said:
I was told recently that the U.S was deliberately "dumbing down" the english language so it was more phonetically correct so it was easier to learn (for people that can't learn I guess). An example is it is supposedly ok to spell night as NITE and on bank statements they spell chequing account as CHECKING account. Is this true? Anyone know for sure? Or is this just Canadian propoganda we like to spread around to make us feel superior to Americans?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I realize that this is an old post but I would have to agree with this statement. At what point did the plural of fish become fishes. Children used to say it that way and the teacher would correct them. Now, both versions are acceptable. I'm wondering when ascared becomes an acceptable alternative to afraid.
Heck, I barely wear the school t-shirts outside the dojo. I can remember days when a bunch of us would head out for a beer and stash all our MA gear in the trunk so as not to invite undue attention. I've seen enough foolishness in public that I kinda keep the walking billboard stuff to a minimum. So I guess wearing my gi outside probably wouldn't happen.
I have never worn in any way shape or form any aspect of my gi outside of class. Not going to or from, however a guy at my class parks right in front of the building and jets in and out. It isn't done by the instructors either. The only exception is the little kids, the 7 yr olds.
I think it's a matter of personal preference. I've worn my uniform outside of class on occasion and have never had any problems with it.
I tell my students (who are kids) not to wear their belts or tops outside of the building. Not only because it might invite unwanted problems, but out of respect for the art. I follow the same advice.
Well this is just me but as soon as I step off the mat in class I remove my belt. Not for any real reason other than habit, I also remove the Gi top or most of the time in summer I just have a school T shirt on anyway (this is TX). I only live about 15 min from the school and most days I stop at 7-11 and get a coke after class with my Gi bottoms and school t-shirt. And most of the time I have on my baseball cap I have real bad hat hair LOL. But yes some times I get the person doing there best impression of Kung Fu hands and making Bruce Lee noises. I just laugh and keep walking. But most of the time when I walk in dressed like that people just look and or move to the side ???? As I walk by, the funniest look I ever got was from a Mesquite cop he never took his eyes off me while I was in the store.
I generally don't wear the gi outside of the dojo, unless I'm out on official dojo business. For some reason, Murphy's Law seems to take effect more frequently when it comes to gi's being worn outside.

This happened a long time ago, but the last time I did keep the uniform on, was when I walked across the street from the dojo, to make a hurried purchase of toilet paper from the convenience store, only to have some kid and his bing cherry slushie lose his grip, and give my Shureido gi a rather interesting shade of pinkish-red. It even managed to turn parts of my Shureido black belt a slight shade of crimson (the more worn areas).

It was a complete accident, and I really couldn't hold it against the kid, but there was a good 5 seconds of complete dead silence after he spilled his slushie on me. I finally said "It's OK" just to break the ice...

Thankfully, an overnight soak in washing soda and hot water got rid of the mess on the uniform. The belt was soaked in cold water and detergent, but I could never get the more worn areas to lose that slight pink shade, so I retired that belt.
Hmmmm... I've been completely unaware of this bit about not wearing your belt outside of class. I think it's another example of my instructor's difficulty with English limiting the info we get passed. I'll have to ask him about this tonight.

I guess it depends on the art... but are there any other general rules we're supposed to be following?

hapki68 said:
Hmmmm... I've been completely unaware of this bit about not wearing your belt outside of class. I think it's another example of my instructor's difficulty with English limiting the info we get passed. I'll have to ask him about this tonight.

I guess it depends on the art... but are there any other general rules we're supposed to be following?


Hi Patrick,

It may not be your instructor's English skills. No one communicated such a rule to me at my school either. However, when I first joined class I was quite overweight. MY instructors gave me a white belt that was rather long, and it felt weird to be moving about in the car with it on. So, I kept it in a side bag until I got to class. By the time I tested for yellow, I had lost so much weight that my belt went down to my knees :D :D

Most schools have a rule where your uniform should be clean and pressed (or at least, not wrinkled...) when you come to class. While my instructors want us to be as dressed as possible, the reason why I don't change in to my gi pants before leaving work is...it seems to easy to get them messed up (the white pants, anyway) on the 1 hour drive between the coffee and the Protein bars :)

Welcome to MT by the way....good to have you aboard!
I like to wear just the trousers to and from class since the jacket, and especially the belt, draw a lot of attention. In fact, I literally live in my uniform (pants) when I'm at home off-duty-
Sometimes if I wear any part of my gi outside of class, it's just my pants. I never really liked being placed instantly in the spotlight. Therewas a rare occasion when I didn't change- but that was unavoidable.
id wear my gi to class if my deans didnt bust my case for doing such an unladylike activity. Mostly just my gi pants and my tank top/sports bar thing and put on my top and belt when i get to my school. Also my school advises us not to wear our gis with belt out side of class so as not to attract unwanted attention and we anrt allowed to wear our uniforms as costumes (like halloween)
I have an open door policy about challenges, as long as they are respectful and don't interupt the class I'm game. Plus I got kind of a bad reputation for fighting from my younger days, so most people don't give me much thought to see me in Uniform, I also train, hold class, at the park in my gi it's no big deal...
Personally, I wouldn't wear my gi outside except occasionally my pants on the way home if the dressing room is busy...its not that I think its disrespectful...as far as I'm concerned its a durable sweat suit with handles...But because its kinda dorky!!! LOL...no offense to those who do, it's just not my style. I wear my gym shirts all the time though.
I personally won't wear my dobak to/ from class for several reasons:
1.) If I have to run an errand I would prefer not to be wandering through the local Shoprite in my uniform.

2.) Wearing the dobak in public can be construed as "posturing" leading to some jerk coming up and starting trouble.
my school has no "uniform" and as a traditional kung fu school no belts either. I guess traditional kung fu schools can be an exception to this question since we do a lot of public performances, aka lion dances. You must wear your formal gear (which is basically our silk "pajamas" lol) to each performance.

But we commonly wear our school's t-shirts in public. If we go out as a group we all where our shirts. Its pride in what we do and who we are. Never had a problem before, and although I can't see into the future, I really don't forsee one either. Been doing it for 3 1/2 years now.

I'm certainly not saying if you don't wear your uniform in public then you are ashamed. I'm saying that a way for us to show our pride and that we are a family, we wear our shirts.

Good topic, btw.

Not so sure about the rant about gi and dogi or whatever... but overall good topic!


- ft
Shinzu said:
how do you guys feel about wearing your uniforms to and from training?

i personally dont feel it is right to wear my uniform to class. to me, my training is very personal. therefore i change before and after class

I'm with you on this one...

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