As others have said, Taekwondo doesn't traditionally have any weapons. It's the way of hands and feet, not the way of swords and sticks. But many TKD schools do teach some weapon or weapons, such as bo staff, nunchaku, short stick, knife, or sais. Some schools teach their weapon(s) only to black belts, to help retain black belt students. Other schools teach them to all students at some color belt level(s). Other schools have a totally separate weapons class open to everybody, often for an extra charge.
My TKD school did not teach weapons, but one instructor, would bring his staff and practice with it. It was a big heavy stick, and I am sure that it was a potent means of hurting a thug.
Me personally, I carry a walking stick--a Jo--made of aluminum tubing. I don't see any sense in using nothing but my hands and feet. Since that may not be enough to win the fight, on the street.
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