Weapon Choice

Andrew Green said:
Some time ago I decided that if I ever entered another forms competition I was breaking out the "rubber chicken" (preferablly with a squeaker). As it turned out I never did enter another competition so I never got the opportunity...
:rofl: Aww there there Andrew

And wow TheBattousai those are some good ideas there.

Thanks guys there's some really great suggestions here.

Your right though Flying Crane I probably would need some proper instruction before I start or at least get taught the basics, but it's hard considering my location and i'm guessing books and video's won't be enough will it?
kachi said:
I have been told by my instructor to choose any weapon to start training with at black belt classes.
This may sound a bit weird but it's because I do Freestyle Karate that I'm allowed to incorperate any kind of weapon into my training.
Does anyone have some suggestions for a truly unique weapon that would have lots of info to help me train? Cheers.

what is Freestyle karate?

i'm having trouble grasping the concept of "pick any weapon and train". is there someone nearby to help you better understand the weapon you choose? or is it "grab a weapon and learn it on your own"?

anyone can pick up say, a khurki, sling it around and act to know how to use it, but do you really know the weapon. is your instructor going to guide you in your learning of such new weapon? that goes for any weapon.

and there's no such thing as a "unique" weapon. a weapon is a tool. it's how you use it that makes it "unique".
OK we learn alot of traditional Karate based from Goju-Ryu but we don't limit ourselves just to that style. In some cases we might incorperate techniques from other styles to better our own style. It's sort of crossed between Mixed Martial Arts and Traditional Karate. Freestyle allows us to use the best technique for the situation and we utilize that into traditional Kata and Yuksuko.
As for weapons we can choose what we want, Kancho encourages us to use improvised weapons like pen, rope or his favourite - fire extinguisher. My sensei is trained in many different weapon styles so he would have some idea of how to use, say a Khukri. But he wouldn't know exaactly how to use it so we have a choice of travelling to find an instructor that teaches that weapon and seeing him/her every so often, getting books or instructional DVDs or Videos.
It may not be like most martial arts, but from the different martial arts I have tried it's empty hand techniques are the most effective I have seen, street wise.
It's certainly not a learn it your self style, sensei encourages us to choose a weapon he has been taught so he can properly teach us but i'm looking for something different to challenge me.
kachi said:
It's certainly not a learn it your self style, sensei encourages us to choose a weapon he has been taught so he can properly teach us but i'm looking for something different to challenge me.

Any endeavor, properly pursued, is challenging.

I encourage you to choose a weapon that you are able to find instruction for, either from your sensei or another local instructor.
kachi said:
:rofl: Your right though Flying Crane I probably would need some proper instruction before I start or at least get taught the basics, but it's hard considering my location and i'm guessing books and video's won't be enough will it?

yeah, really better to find someone who can teach you properly. A lot of subtlety just doesn't transfer thru books and video.
If you want something crazy, try a farmer`s scythe.

Other ideas: a smith`s hammer or a bottle.
Great choice and a very good question. I am one of two instructors here in the area where I live that actively teach the eku. It is a weapon that is going the way of the dinosaurs.

my sensei teaches the eku, and all our dan ranks know it. most of our brown belts are tought an eku kata at that rank.
what is Freestyle karate?

i'm having trouble grasping the concept of "pick any weapon and train". is there someone nearby to help you better understand the weapon you choose? or is it "grab a weapon and learn it on your own"?

anyone can pick up say, a khurki, sling it around and act to know how to use it, but do you really know the weapon. is your instructor going to guide you in your learning of such new weapon? that goes for any weapon.

and there's no such thing as a "unique" weapon. a weapon is a tool. it's how you use it that makes it "unique".

I have to agree there. as far as I know there is no set system really for use of the kukuri as a weapon. the one gurka i ever met , and that was when i was a teen said there was no set system, but " if you loose a hand to his loosing his head its good" kinda thing. but if your instructor is not trained in the use of the weapon I would wonder just how you are going to learn it?
If you want something crazy, try a farmer`s scythe.

Other ideas: a smith`s hammer or a bottle.

The old fashioned european scythe was and is a very nasty weapon. the queston is who would teach you it? and in which configuration. in europe normaly when it was used as a weapon it was afixed to a strait pole insted of the snath (the curved handle that it is on when used for reaping).
Toaster in a pillowcase!

ya but who made the toaster back in say 1830? Frigidare? Hitachi? besides I can just see it. cop:"hay whats in the pillow case there ??" you: "um just my toaster officer" cop: "your toaster huh?? .... sure it is, now why don't you tell me where you burgled to steel it and the pillowcase??!"

LoL provably what would happen too.
I've always been a fan of the flexible weapons... if you really want unique, I'd say the monkey rope... they completely rock.
Right now, I'm trying to master the 3 sectioned staff without any instruction, and although it is challenging, it is one of the most fun weapons you could ever hope for!

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