We Told You So: Government Spying Has Been Targeting Innocent Citizens, not Terrorists

You need to have a known person (or target) to get a warrant. In military/counter terrorism SIGINT sweeps you dont know who the bad guys are...thats why youre listening in the first place. ALL intercountry comm. was monitored during WWI and WWII. The concept isnt new.
Even though its Slate, I find much I agree with in this article.


It points out how some portions of the PA are worrisome and how some have been overblown. Its critical without being "tin hat".

We really can be safe without being afraid of our government. It simply requires that security measures be narrowly tailored to fit national security needs. Some parts of the USA Patriot Act meet this test. Some do not. And some are purely opportunistic.
since i dont break any laws, plan any terror attacks, or watch child porn, i aint worried about someone listening.

Oh, and you don't think that a President who has consorted with a known and unrepentant domestic terrorist, a racist and anti-American pastor, and a group that attempted a massive voter fraud in his favor won't set you up for breaking laws, planning terror attacks and watching child porn so he can put your *** in jail, give your business to a deserving minority and reapportion the voter balance in your district so that it's more favorable to his party? :lfao:
I'm still thinking about how many people die in Saudi prisons who didn't break any laws and don't understand how they got there.