We have some New Mods!!!

shesulsa said:
Try the Noval yet?

I found some but it was not aged very long, so I gather it's the cheap stuff. I'll keep looking for some aged 10 years or more.

I finally tried some ice wine for the first time tonight...interesting. Are they all so thick and syrupy?
arnisador said:
I found some but it was not aged very long, so I gather it's the cheap stuff. I'll keep looking for some aged 10 years or more.

I finally tried some ice wine for the first time tonight...interesting. Are they all so thick and syrupy?

Noval's line goes right up to age 30 years. I recommend trying some if you're willing.

Yes, ice wines are usually sa-weet. The grapes for ice wine are harvested even after the late harvest grapes are, so the sugar level is very high and water is rarely added - good for a dessert wine. Try it over homemade vanilla ice cream.
shesulsa said:
Noval's line goes right up to age 30 years. I recommend trying some if you're willing.

Yes, ice wines are usually sa-weet. The grapes for ice wine are harvested even after the late harvest grapes are, so the sugar level is very high and water is rarely added - good for a dessert wine. Try it over homemade vanilla ice cream.

The new Moderators have all been good choices! :partyon:

Shesulsa, that is really cool that you make your own wine. I have a friend who makes his own, but he doesn't make Merlot's (my favourites).
Congratulations to BigNick on his promotion to Martial Talk Moderator!
:partyon: :partyon:
Congratulations, Carol and HS, on your new positions—moderate well! (as I know you will... :) )

... and congratulations, Bob, on your continuing sharp judgment in picking moderators for this best-moderated of MA boards... :ultracool :highfive: :highfive: :ultracool
Woohoo! Congrats, Carol and Handsword!!!
(sorry this took so long; I thought I'd posted on this thread, but I missed it :eek:)
You like me! You really like me! :D

Awwww shucks, thanks everyone! I'll try my best to do a good job for everyone.

Wait, do...or do not...there is no "try." I *will* do my best to help keep MT the best Martial Arts discussion form in the world!!! Can I get an AMEN???
Congratulations to Carol and
Hand Sword!!!
