We have some New Mods!!!

shesulsa said:
Try the Noval yet?

I found some but it was not aged very long, so I gather it's the cheap stuff. I'll keep looking for some aged 10 years or more.

I finally tried some ice wine for the first time tonight...interesting. Are they all so thick and syrupy?
arnisador said:
I found some but it was not aged very long, so I gather it's the cheap stuff. I'll keep looking for some aged 10 years or more.

I finally tried some ice wine for the first time tonight...interesting. Are they all so thick and syrupy?

Noval's line goes right up to age 30 years. I recommend trying some if you're willing.

Yes, ice wines are usually sa-weet. The grapes for ice wine are harvested even after the late harvest grapes are, so the sugar level is very high and water is rarely added - good for a dessert wine. Try it over homemade vanilla ice cream.
shesulsa said:
Noval's line goes right up to age 30 years. I recommend trying some if you're willing.

Yes, ice wines are usually sa-weet. The grapes for ice wine are harvested even after the late harvest grapes are, so the sugar level is very high and water is rarely added - good for a dessert wine. Try it over homemade vanilla ice cream.

The new Moderators have all been good choices! :-partyon:

Shesulsa, that is really cool that you make your own wine. I have a friend who makes his own, but he doesn't make Merlot's (my favourites).
Yes, we've been attempting to thaw out Big Nick in the Mod Lounge.. but so far he's to busy fetching brews for the mods ;)
Congratulations, Carol and HS, on your new positionsĀ—moderate well! (as I know you will... :) )

... and congratulations, Bob, on your continuing sharp judgment in picking moderators for this best-moderated of MA boards... :ultracool :highfive: :highfive: :ultracool
Woohoo! Congrats, Carol and Handsword!!!
(sorry this took so long; I thought I'd posted on this thread, but I missed it :o)
You like me! You really like me! :D

Awwww shucks, thanks everyone! I'll try my best to do a good job for everyone.

Wait, do...or do not...there is no "try." I *will* do my best to help keep MT the best Martial Arts discussion form in the world!!! Can I get an AMEN???