we did something different


Senior Master
Last night juts one student came, and he need it to finish class early, so I change things a little, we focus the class on low kicks, using the kicking shileds agaist the leg we practice the rear roud hose kick to the outside of tigh like the mua tai boxers do and we also did the the iner tight kick like the one the MMA do at UFC these coupled with some punching drills (boxer stile) gave us a nice work out.

Something thta rerally amazed me was the power behid the roundhose kick to the legs, they can be devastating.

Absolutely, leg kicks are killers. If you take out the foundation, the whole house falls. Good job playing around with different ideas and concepts too. A lot of people are afraid to play around with new things that they might not practice every class so good idea bringing in something a little different.
Our instructors switch classes up like that from time to time and those almost always turn out to be my favorites. Realistic and practical kicking and punching drills, checking with the legs, etc... I just wish we did those more often.
Our instructors switch classes up like that from time to time and those almost always turn out to be my favorites. Realistic and practical kicking and punching drills, checking with the legs, etc... I just wish we did those more often.

Some times we focus in things like poomsae or sparring (WTF or ITF Rules set) but we don't pay atention to some kind of realistic training or some kind of trainin g that can help us if need it outside the dojang. I was amazed of my right roudhouse kick to the legs using my shin bone, I did not realize how strong this kick can be. I caught my student (85 kilograms) wearing the kicking shiel in his leg and with the force of the impcat I close his leg to the other leg crusing his jewels in beetwen both legs! I almost drop my student without thinking abou it!.

My gavorite self defense tools are:

1.-Kicks to the legs and groin/blade area.
2.-Heel palm strike to the chin/face/nose.
3.-The knife hand chop to the troat/neck area and temple.
4.-The elbow to the face/head or solar plexus.

About the knee I must confess I am not so confident, not because of his power but because I don't training it a lot, the techs 1 to 4 are second nature to me.

Some times we focus in things like poomsae or sparring (WTF or ITF Rules set) but we don't pay atention to some kind of realistic training or some kind of trainin g that can help us if need it outside the dojang. I was amazed of my right roudhouse kick to the legs using my shin bone, I did not realize how strong this kick can be. I caught my student (85 kilograms) wearing the kicking shiel in his leg and with the force of the impcat I close his leg to the other leg crusing his jewels in beetwen both legs! I almost drop my student without thinking abou it!.

My gavorite self defense tools are:

1.-Kicks to the legs and groin/blade area.
2.-Heel palm strike to the chin/face/nose.
3.-The knife hand chop to the troat/neck area and temple.
4.-The elbow to the face/head or solar plexus.

About the knee I must confess I am not so confident, not because of his power but because I don't training it a lot, the techs 1 to 4 are second nature to me.


I have to agree with you there Manny, sometimes classes can get a bit to wrapped up in the competition aspect and neglect the real world applications. Like you we also will do the low leg kicks with the shields braced against your partners legs and it's amazing the amount of power that is generated. We will occasionally "run the gauntlet" where we'll set up the wave bags and drill low leg kicks on one then run and do elbow strikes on the next, knee strikes on the next, etc.... That is a very fun drill that changes up the training as well.
What you describe is pretty much our standard kick practice in Hapkido, oddly we occasionally kick hi to break things up...LOL
Something I have been seen about young TKD teachers is that they tend to focus on the WTF sparring set rules so their training is oriented in that way and they (the young teachers) don't teach the non com petitive aproach that TKD has, in the other hand sambonims with more then 20 or 25 years of experience once in a while bring out some old TKD concepts like the use of the elbows,hand techs and low kicks in class.

Once a month a bunch of black belts in diferent disiplines get togheter to train and teach some techs of each one (budo taijutsu,aikido,karate,tkd) and myself for example teach them self defense and the other tkd guy (a black belt in his 20's) only show high kicks drills, something the other senseis sometimes think there is no sense cause we are training self defense stuff.

The montly meetings are aimed to self defense almost 100% and some times we practice karate katas or tkd poomsae but this meeting is strictly self defense oriented, it is here were I show waht I got and weher I learn some concepts or moves from another martial arts.

Last night a good friend who is a 4th dan in TKD and 1st dan in HKD came to visit me and my pupils and we had a great nigth doing some HDK techs, so.. yes last night was diferent too.

Sadly my master only allowed us one class, and I believe we could not practice HKD in a TKD dojang so I will have to wait till my HKD friend reopenes his dojang to go there a few more times to get some more HKD techs from him.
