injured again!!!!


Senior Master
Last night giving class I injured the back of my tigh in a very foolish way. I was teaching how to trow a low kick (instep) aimed to the testicles and when performing this low kick in a whip motion I felt and herd a tump in the rear of my tight and knew something was wrong. I think I tear the muscle, right now I am taking naproxen and using a cold spray (benge freeze) on the area but think I will have not to use my legs for a month or so.

What do you think? How many weeks I will need to recover? I think I could go to dojang to give instruction (not kicking myself) and doing some exercise that does not involve the use of the inured lag or should I take a good rest doing nothing in home?

Oh no, this sucks! That could hurt for a looooong time I'm afraid. Rest and think if you need to get a medical opinion.
If it is hamstring I can relate. Cold spray is superficial and wears off to quick. Try ice for 20 min every 2 hrs. If is hamstring be careful not to injure it worse. Take time off, your body will tell you how much.
Today I feel better but don't want to push it, I can walk with almost cero disconfort but know I will have to not use the leg for maybe 3 or 4 weeks for recovery, yes... I am very pist off.... I love to kick and this is a very important thing in TKD and I tend to be very graphic when teaching so teaching without kicking is something terrible to me, besides the elasticiti/flexibility exercises are a NO-NO for the moment.

Maybe today I will focus in self defense and poomsae or if all students get early to class I will put them on kyorugy.

I know my instructor says that as he is getting older he keeps pulling muscles. Whether lifting weights or from not warming up properly. When teaching a class I can see where he says to stretch because you don't want an injury but when working out I warm up a lot and then stretch. But before class I want to do a lil warm up because I don't want to be all sweaty. I hope you heal up soon Manny.
I know my instructor says that as he is getting older he keeps pulling muscles. Whether lifting weights or from not warming up properly. When teaching a class I can see where he says to stretch because you don't want an injury but when working out I warm up a lot and then stretch. But before class I want to do a lil warm up because I don't want to be all sweaty. I hope you heal up soon Manny.

There's a good point here... We have a tendency to warm up today the same way we warmed up 20, 30, even 50 years ago. But... the science of sports and movement has moved on and learned a lot. If you watch an NFL team warming up today, their warmups look nothing like the team warmups did when I played almost 30 years ago. How many of us still start a training session with classic calisthenics, static stretching, and maybe a few traditional exercises from our style? Instead, warm ups should look a lot more like the class, done with less intensity. Something to get the blood flowing. Some other exercises to loosen the joints, and to warm up the various kinetic chains involved. Save the static stretches for cool downs or even a dedicated stretching session with some time to recover before any hard training.

And as we age -- our warmups need to change, too. I try to do a joint warmup sequence every day. I really need to do it more than I do...
True...I've been deadlifting lately. I warm deadlifting. Bare bar then a a few escalating sets. The trick is not exerting too much in the warm up so that it effects your max sets.

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Ouch! If it makes you feel any better, I have an even more embarrassing one. Because of the holiday on Monday, we had no class, so I decided to do the prudent thing and practice at home. I have a fairly jam-packed condo, so my practice area is a linear space about half the size of a small jail cell. I decided to work on axe kicks, and I went to do an outside-in axe kick...on the way up, my foot smashed into my desk, breaking the 2nd toe on my right foot.

It gets worse. I had no ice packs at home (and I didn't want to hobble around the store looking for one), so I called my Mom to ask her to pick up an ice pack and bring it over to my condo.

It gets worse. She brought over a little kid's buddy gel pack.

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