We are kicking butt here with no moderator...


Black Belt
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hello all,

This is dumb, but has anyone noticed that we as Hapkidoin from all groups can, with few exceptions, have awesome discussions - no moderator required...

I hope the owners of MartialTalk take notice...

Especially considering not to long ago we drew so much flak from others saying how much Hapkido must be bad because of the uncivil actions of a few...
I have reviewed a number of the threads since joining MT and agree that there are many threads which are interesting and civil.

I also noticed that at any given time, there are generally more Hapkidoin on MT than Taekwondoin. As I believe Hapkido is not practiced by as many people as Taekwondo, I surmise that you folks are a pretty vocal group.

I don't know about that..I was told that "big brother(or sister) " was always watching..
I must say that KMA is considered the problem child of the martial arts world because of the bravado and defensiveness of a handful of visible people.

It is good when we can have civilized discussion amongst ourselves and with others without political arguments and childish banter. I think KMA needs to heal and come to a new ground where we can all exchange peacefully.

Keep up the good work, guys! :asian:
What I have noticed is a sharp drop in the number of statements regarding an "absolute right" or "absolute wrong". What I am seeing a lot more of are comments such as "......and we do it this way". There are also a lot more suggestions and invitations being extended and I think this is helping quite a bit. Since I don't train in TKD or TSD its hard for me to draw a comparison. However I did notice that many of the same behaviors over on E-BUDO and WARRIOR-SCHOLAR nets seemed to result in the same sort of positive communication and sharing so I think we are probably on the right track. I certainly wouldn't want to go back to the way things were before. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

Yep. It's been a while since somebody go kicked off the forum, so things are looking up. :)
Even though no Moderator input has been required, it still does not mean we have not been watching you all. :)

Thank you

Rich Parsons
Martial Talk
Super Moderator
Shhh...pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (Rich, tuck in your butt dude....)


Seriously, We've seen alot less headaches as of late, and it is gratefully appreciated by all of us on the staff. :)
Kaith Rustaz said:
Shhh...pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (Rich, tuck in your butt dude....)


Seriously, We've seen alot less headaches as of late, and it is gratefully appreciated by all of us on the staff. :)

I will Boss, no more :moon: . Got it.

I did say thank you for all the good little :angel: 's

:) :asian:
Hello all,

I for one really like this forum, hence I support it. I just wanted us all to see that as Hapkidoin, even though we can have heated arguments on the forums, deep down I know there is an abiding respect that we all have for each others efforts.

Thanks to MartialTalk for the opportunity to air our differences and celebrate our similarities.

Dear Kevin:

....but lets not kid ourselves, either. I don't think it pays to pretend that we just happened together in union and fraternity. I think there is a very clear difference between people who come to a situation with the intent of putting in, and those who come to an event with an eye towards taking away. I have seen good discussions turn on a dime for no more cause than one person alluded to being at some point above another by benefit of practice, philosphy or discipleship. We have a huge Hapkido jigsaw puzzle and not a few authorities stand ready to tell us what the final result will look like. Not that those same people will spend the hours necessary to produce the end, but they remain ultimate authorities on what will come out of the efforts of others.

My sense is that the discussions are continuing because the individuals who remain know what it is to sweat over bits of this and that and to measure their gains in inches rather than yards. We will continue to have fellows visit from time to time, or chuckle as they sprint by to nowhere. For my money I would rather keep hammering and chipping away to see if there might not be some fundamental change made in the way we have done business for the last few decades. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

Kaith Rustaz said:
Shhh...pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (Rich, tuck in your butt dude....)


Seriously, We've seen alot less headaches as of late, and it is gratefully appreciated by all of us on the staff. :)
See, i told you that there is always somebody watching...
Doh! Come on guys...remember this thread? We are all Hapkidoin,peace. I suggest a "No Organizational Politics" clause. This is the area where everyone seems to get bent out of shape. I think we can discuss Hapkido w/o the political bent,no? Didn't mean to open a can o worms with this,just trying to remind everyone that at one time it was possible to discuss our different takes on Hapkido.:)
I will no longer post on MartialTalk.com, in fact will suspend myself from posting, the email sent wasn't necessary. I will now focus more on actual training and expanding Hapkido in my school.

Good Luck to you all,

Black Belt Fitness Center

Email received below
Black Belt FC

Moderator Warning

Mr. Lugo:

Your recent postings in this thread: Towards a Minimum Hapkido Standard


have been unacceptable by Martial Talk standards. You have been rude,
insulting, inflammatory, and outright disrepectful. This PM is to inform
you that not only have your posting practices and behavior been
unacceptable, they will no longer be tolerated. You are on notice that
continuation of this pattern will see you suspended if not banned from
Martial Talk.

-Michael Billings-
-MT S. Moderator-
I know Master Lugo very well and consider him a friend. The person responsible has been thrown off more than one site .

Felix my brother I read what you have said and to show support not in words, as many use but inactions this is my last Post

And as those I know Say: HAPKI.......

Hal Whalen
Gentlemen, considering that in the thread in question, we saw several individuals subtley of blatantly disrespecting not only each other, but our staff, there is no wonder that warnings and suspensions were issued. In fact, there were at least 2 moderator notices that I saw, which were ignored because they weren't high enough rank to show respect to. There are many ways to debate and discuss, without resorting to disrespect. I've been taught that the longer you are in the arts, that maturity develops. I also believe that respect while usually earned, is also freely given to certain positions in life, without the holder needing to initially earn it.

Sadly, too often what I see is that high-rank means pomp and pedestal, and politically charged position protection.

This site is for the Friendly Discussion...not fighting. When you signed up, you agreed to our rules, wether you read them or not.

A member who is rude, excessively negative, or disruptive may receive a warning or may be suspended or banned immediately. Suspending and banning is done at the discretion of the administration team. Any abuse directed at our all-volunteer moderation/administration team, including defying the moderators/administrators to suspend or ban a member, may result in an immediate suspension or ban. Membership on MartialTalk is a privilege, not a right.

If you want to fight and posture, go do it elsewhere.
If you want to discuss the history, techniques, lineage and wonders of the Korean arts, in a respectful manner, then you are most certainly welcome here.

If you want your accounts closed, we are more than happy to do so.
Please see FAQ - How Do I Close my MartialTalk Account? for information on how to do so.
I would further add that if you truly felt you did nothing to contribute to the negative charge of the conversation, stick around and prove yourself.

And if you truly wish to forward the interests of Hapkido and other Korean Martial Arts, rise above the actions taken by those who were suspended and show the world that you are above that kind of nonsense.

If you choose to leave, so be it. But with all due respect, this is not how many of us wish to see KMA represented. This is the stigma - "Oh, you study a Korean martial art. Well, I don't have to fight you - you all fight each other enough for me."

With all due respect, Gentlemen, is this how you wish for yourselves or KMA to be seen?

Thanks for your contributions, whatever you decide to do.


JKN Georgia Ketchmark
shesulsa said:
I would further add that if you truly felt you did nothing to contribute to the negative charge of the conversation, stick around and prove yourself...

...with all due respect, this is not how many of us wish to see KMA represented. This is the stigma - "Oh, you study a Korean martial art. Well, I don't have to fight you - you all fight each other enough for me."

With all due respect, Gentlemen, is this how you wish for yourselves or KMA to be seen?...
imo, well said.

i moderate another board, and agree that anybody who baits, taunts or defies mods should simply be banned, full stop. as one of our former mods used to like to say, "this board is not a democracy."

a tip of the hat to the admin. staff for stepping in judiciously. and as you suggest, let the constructive discussions continue... the source material for good discussions about the korean arts is virtually endless.
I received the same message, and I will also remove myself from this forum. Anyone with sense could readily see that Master Lugo nor I were disrespectful.
<RANT>It seems that History has repeated itself. We blew it as a community on another forum and now we ruined for ourselves here. Is there something endemic about the Hapkido community that we have to drive every discussion to this level. There are definitely some strong personalities that post to these boards and some with some strong held agendas. I don't know if was the recent so called collapse of KHF in the USA or the perceived lack of central leadership in the Hapkido community, that has everyone scrambling to push their vision, take sides and disparage others. Whatever the cause - it sucks.

I reviewed Master Lugo's posts and nothing jumped out at me, but this is not my board and the decision is not up to me. I think that we forget sometimes that we all guests here. It is a shame that some of you have chosen to throw out the baby with the bath water. Master Lugo and GM Rudy were only warned and not suspended. If everyone believes that they are above criticism and occasionally may need a reminder perhaps it it best that you take your ball and go home. This is not the first time a Hapkido board has hit the skids and maybe we can examine our own behavior and maybe thank those that are pointing out the obvious that we can not get along.

This will blow over and discussions will begin again, sadly I don't believe that we will have the same quality as before and the discussions will become more pedestrian as they have on the other board. Perhaps everyone will find another board that will tolerate the backbiting for a while, but its time we stop acting like a swarm of locusts. Fly in throw our stuff around and move on. This is not a way to work toward the betterment of our supposed beloved art. </RANT>

Brian "Dazed and Confused" Beach