Crisis in America, can we help as martial artists?

Hung Fa Moose

Yellow Belt
Hello all,

Lately I've been noticing alot of troubling things in the States, just through news and other media. Many Americans seem to be suffering from an identity crisis of some sorts. Very few individuals these days seem to be sure of who they are. Look at our movies and novels of late, many deal with this problem for the main character, they are searching for their purpose, their identity. As martial artists, we train to find this so that we are able to act without hesitation when pushed into threatening scenarioss. We are sure of ourselves and know what we can do, should do, will do when presented with challenges. Not too many people in my experience are able to hold their own, whether it be mentally or physically. As a teacher, I see this more, with parents who should not be having children (due to lack of emotional/mental maturity, finances, and many other reasons), don't want the ones they have, etc. What happened to the days of owning up and taking responsibility for one's actions and their consequences? Those days seem to have gone away. Can we as martial artists possibly strive to being some sanity to this situation? Any thoughts?
There is a saying, there is nothing new under the sun. The fact of the matter is that we can only do as much as our sphere of influence will extend. the wonderful thing i love about martial arts is that is gives you an entry point to influence others with the values I hold dear, honour, respect, self determination, responsability. We as martial artists cannot change a culture, but we can change individuals, which is why retaining elements of respect in the transmission of the art is important.
True ^^^

if you change the way YOU are inside in order to improve and progress in life on a positive journey, you can create a ripple effect on the people around you based on your more positive energy. However if you decide to try and change the world around you without grounding and rooting yourself first, you will one day realize the world is as it is and will always be the way it is. You will collapse under all the frustration weighing down upon your shoulders. So relax and take one day at a time while seizing the moment of every second of that day to prepare for the next (Carpe Diem ;)

Remember though my friends, that in life there is ALWAYS fresh opportunity to access your situation and see fit if there are any needs for improvement or refinements. There is always something new to learn or improve. If you are 33 years of age you may feel like full grown man yet, when you reach 45 you have grown some more!!! Between the ages of 33 and 45 was there nothing to work on or new to learn about yourself??? If you answer yes than that means you are perfect and have no flaws. How possible is this except for the deceived??? Remember though, after 45 there is 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 years of age and so on and so forth. WE are constantly growing physically with the opportunity every year to also grow mentally and spiritually.

Anyways, what do i know??? This is merely my opinions and understanding. I don't have all the answers for i myself am constantly seeking for truth everyday.
My Sifu always tells me the first journey of improving the world begins with the improvement of ourself.

He always tells me that no one ever promised me that life would be easy. Nothing was ever promised to me in life. What ever is offered my way is what i'm dealt with and how i have no control over what is given to me in this existance. However, i DO have control over to the way I respond to people or how i take actions concerning each and every single matter within my life.

"You cannot tell the sky to rain softly, the wind to gently caress your skin, or the sun to shine upon your eyes. Whatever weather the season offers you IS your life. What you DO with your life within these little seasons that circles your entire existance is what matters most"
"What happened to the days of owning up and taking responsibility for one's actions"?

Those days are LONG GONE..........and why one may ask........The answer to that is very simple. Society as we understand it is a by product of our legal system. We are a country based on laws and the interpertation of said laws. Notice I stated legal instead of judicial system. Justice is in very short supply, but legally, one can get around or buy their way out trouble if the cost or the "I'm really a victum excuse" is right. Additionally, the so-called political correctness, which has it's basis within the legal system, now dictates much if not all of societies actions. Just read the paper or watch the news and it's all there. The moral fiber of this country has been greatly frayed, almost to the point of being invisable. IMO, the country is in deep trouble and getting worse. Everything that America stood for and cherished is being put aside and replaced (words from my uncle at age 84), by people who are just hungry for money and have no conscious on how it's obtained.

They just gave the state bar exam here about a month ago. Just in this immediate area of the state, there were over 3,000 applicants testing. Now add this to at least 5 testing sites and why in the world would we need or want an additional 15,000 laywers in the state looking to instigate actions so they can produce an income?

OK, I'm finished now.........:rolleyes:

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