WC/WT stance saved my leg

I thought that would be a good food for thought.

Watch for those type of women!

Your WT/WC sensitivity training should give you warning before your aura is read by such dangerous women!
Then you can Chi Bong Sau their new age advances and live to see another day!
Sometimes those type of women want you Chi Bong Sau. They willing anxiously await your dispersement of Chi so they can feed upon it.

Watch out for them Chi Suckers!

Your WT/WC sensitivity training should give you warning before your aura is read by such dangerous women!
Then you can Chi Bong Sau their new age advances and live to see another day!
Sometimes those type of women want you Chi Bong Sau. They willing anxiously await your dispersement of Chi so they can feed upon it.

Watch out for them Chi Suckers!

Oh... My.... God. lol!

Things that make you go.. Hummm?
Hubbie's enjoying this thread. lol! It's the Marine in him coming out. as it often does.
I would love hubbie to get his feet wet and jump on in the thread....oh no Si-Je vomited on my key strokes as I was typing that barf avatar is nasty...


Things that make you go.. Hummm?
Hubbie's enjoying this thread. lol! It's the Marine in him coming out. as it often does.
I would love hubbie to get his feet wet and jump on in the thread....oh no Si-Je vomited on my key strokes as I was typing that barf avatar is nasty...

He may but he's not as nice as me online. :)
Probably get kicked off. lol!
As nice as you online lol , you make pitbulls look timid .
I almost spat coffee all over my keyboard when I read that .

Woof! lol!
What?! I'm nice! Did I hurt feelings? Didn't mean to, people hurt my feelings I do get onry. :)
I know us sheilias are supposed to be more, accomodating. lol!


I know what it is, it's because I don't like BJJ isn't it?
Well, Hubbie's downright hateful when it comes to BJJ! I've had to tell him "No, your not saying THAT online." several times already.:hb:
Yes, the Punker is nicer than the Jarhead! lol!
Ha Ha,,,,Alot of Wing Chunners hate BJJ. We need Videos of Wing Chun Annilating BJJ?

Woof! lol!
What?! I'm nice! Did I hurt feelings? Didn't mean to, people hurt my feelings I do get onry. :)
I know us sheilias are supposed to be more, accomodating. lol!


I know what it is, it's because I don't like BJJ isn't it?
Well, Hubbie's downright hateful when it comes to BJJ! I've had to tell him "No, your not saying THAT online." several times already.:hb:
Yes, the Punker is nicer than the Jarhead! lol!
We just got a camera! Just need a BJJ guy. lol!
Will find one soon, don't worry, their EVERYWHERE.
But, once we post the video, and people will just be like,

"oh, he wasn't any GOOD at BJJ. Go find a purple belt and show us again!" :uhyeah:
Of course that will never happen. Wish I could pull that off. :( They don't want to play.
Only argue with hubbie at work.
If you smash a black belt then they say its the blue belts who have the most skill!

We just got a camera! Just need a BJJ guy. lol!
Will find one soon, don't worry, their EVERYWHERE.
But, once we post the video, and people will just be like,

"oh, he wasn't any GOOD at BJJ. Go find a purple belt and show us again!" :uhyeah:
If you smash a black belt then they say its the blue belts who have the most skill!

lol! Yes! I see pattern here. Had a student that made blue belt in BJJ (left us for almost a year little stinker!) And came back to try it out on hubbie. Wish I had video of that. Hubbie was even nice and gentel, he was our student still, ya know. ;)
But he went all out to no avail.

Oh, besides. Hubbie's size is a big deterrant. People get a load of him and they no wanna spar. Gotta find a heavyweight BJJ guy.
When or Loose I would still want to spar hubbie. Reason being it prepares me for bigger guys in the street. Even If I can't defeat him Eventually I will get use to his size and power an learn how to turn off his force. Thats the whole point of sparing is to loose and learn.

So I wouldn't get detered I would spar Hubbie every class he had if I could. To continue to learn from sparring and chi sao.

lol! Yes! I see pattern here. Had a student that made blue belt in BJJ (left us for almost a year little stinker!) And came back to try it out on hubbie. Wish I had video of that. Hubbie was even nice and gentel, he was our student still, ya know. ;)
But he went all out to no avail.

Oh, besides. Hubbie's size is a big deterrant. People get a load of him and they no wanna spar. Gotta find a heavyweight BJJ guy.