Wasting adolescents years


Yellow Belt
If I could go to gym back in those days, go outside with my schoolmates and join in a MA class when I was 14/15... But no, waisted all my adolescent years to my grandmother because she was paralyzed on the bed and died when I turned 18. Why did I need to check my grandmother if she was already in a death sentence? Why my dad waste all the family money for gambling and me having issue to renew my subscription of the school because of him? Why my mother never trust me or the teacher for me dyslexia and then found out that I was? I'm so fed up
From your posts, you need therapy, not advice from a martial arts forum.
I think the OP is in therapy, but it's not working out.


GiveYourPaw, I think you need to confide in friends in the real world ... and probably find a support group so you can get real-time opinions on how to approach your therapy.
Hi @GiveYourPaw
Life can really suck at times and I hope you're OK
One of the things I've learnt from martial arts is that whenever you're in a bad position or situation the best option is to really focus on the things that you can control now that will improve your situation even if it's just a little bit
Those small things that you can control build up over time and after a while you find yourself in a better spot
Take care
I know you’re an agnostic, but hopefully not cynical. Follow my previous advice. Everyone has a mission field. Find yours and find fulfillment.
Past has long gone. Don't live in the past. Try to think about your future. One day when the opportunity arrives,

if you are

- ready, you will catch that opportunity and be successful for the rest of your life.
- not ready, you will let that opportunity to pass by and regret for the rest of your life.

In order to be able to catch that opportunity, you will need to do a lot of things. You truly don't have time to worry about your past.
I think the OP is in therapy, but it's not working out.


GiveYourPaw, I think you need to confide in friends in the real world ... and probably find a support group so you can get real-time opinions on how to approach your therapy.
From what he's said, he's found 5 different therapists, stopped each then found out they had bad reviews online afterwards. But either way, a different therapist, more intense therapy, or a support group like you suggested might be in order.