Want some Cash? These folks didn't! ????


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Watching this I found myself amazed at the number of people who blithely ignored or refused this man's simple gesture of giving away some money. No obligation except take it... but none of them would.
Are people really that suspicious these days?

If a guy came up to me and offered me some cash :idunno: yeah, I'd take it, I mean why not? I'd ask if there were any strings attached of course but hey, it's money right?
What do you think?
Would you? Some perfect stranger walks up and says hey you want some money and hands you some (presumably $100.00 bills or at least some $20's)
(scratches head) I mean why not?
Well, he might be crazxy, or the money fake or it a set up, or he might attack them or.....

Well, you get the picture.
I've spent too many years working the streets and don't trust all that much to take anything a stranger offers me..
I would not have taken it. I have found very little to actually be free bringing to mind the old saying nothing is free. When you receive something implied or not you receive an obligation to go with it.

Warmest Regards
Brian King
Watching this I found myself amazed at the number of people who blithely ignored or refused this man's simple gesture of giving away some money. No obligation except take it... but none of them would.
Are people really that suspicious these days?

If a guy came up to me and offered me some cash :idunno: yeah, I'd take it, I mean why not? I'd ask if there were any strings attached of course but hey, it's money right?
What do you think?
Would you? Some perfect stranger walks up and says hey you want some money and hands you some (presumably $100.00 bills or at least some $20's)
(scratches head) I mean why not?
Nothing is free, only the air you breathe, and it won't be long before that will cost as also.
Interesting. I probably wouldn't take it either. And good article on potlatches, harlan.
Nothing is free, only the air you breathe, and it won't be long before that will cost as also.
So... NOTHING is free anymore? Like say... friendship? The love of a child to it's parent? An encouraging word, smile.


your thoughts? are they still free or do you gotta pay for them?

somethings in life are still free and require nothing in return.
Might be a different story if he tried that someplace other than a posh neighborhood in the Netherlands.
Wanna know something funny? It's an appropriate post here because he's a martial artist, and a friend of mine! (and one of the funniest people I've ever met!)

It's from a Western Union commercial:

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So... NOTHING is free anymore? Like say... friendship? The love of a child to it's parent? An encouraging word, smile.


your thoughts? are they still free or do you gotta pay for them?

somethings in life are still free and require nothing in return.

Not pay for them, but participate with time and energy. Is it worth it, very much so. True friendship is counting on someone else, when you have let yourself down. The love of a child is an investment with immeasurable returns, and we all know that an encouraging word or smile can turn back the harmful effect of anger. J