Here is my problem with Wal-Mart. They treat you like a thief the moment you walk through the doors and then rob you blind at the cash register. In fact in my home town, at the customer service desk is a big sign for the employees to read that says and I quote, " All returned meats and frozen foods must be returned to the shelf immediately". What in the sam hell are they thinking????? You don't know what the person returning that food has done to that meat. Come on. Furthermore, Wal-Mart is no cheaper than any other place, and many times more expensive, excessively so. A good example of this is you can go do price checking on video games, and many times wal-mart for 6 months or better is selling a video game for $59.95 when at best buy it's going $29-39.95, cause it's on the platinums list, ( which means it's sold more than a million copies). Wal-Mart cheaper? Nah not really. For Groceries? Not really often times there meat makes me sick, so I don't buy my groceries there anymore. I buy from somebody else. Like Safeway, I don't get diaherria from the meat, and the quality is far better. I save more money on toilet paper buy shopping at Safeway than I ever could buying Groceries at Wal-Mart.
As far as them stopping me to check my reciept. I DON'T. Unless my wife is with me. I tell them point blank, "No, if you think I stole something call the cops.....I'll Wait." Once I have paid for it, they do not have the right to check my reciept, or my items in my cart, unless they think I stole something. And then buddy you better be able to prove it. There are 2 things I will not put up with. Being called liar, or being called a thief. I am neither, and I will not be treated like either. I paid for it, it's mine now. Should I show them the reciept for the clothes that I walked in wearing on my back also?? No, it's not there business anymore unless they feel that I have stolen something. I have had them try to stop me, and I don't let them. Put your hands on me, and it gets broke. Period. Not playing around with communist *******s. Wal-Mart is going to get somebody hurt. They try to stop me every single time I buy dog food. Apparently it gets stolen out here quite a bit. Not my problem, I paid for mine.
I am 30 years old, and I have had this problem with walmart since I was 18....hmmm...maybe it was the long hair in those days.