Wall bag - synthetic leather vs traditional canvas

I have the canvas style and your knuckles do take a beating. In fact, it takes a while to allow your skin to toughen up a bit so you can go full out on it, so the synthetic leather may be the better choice.
Thanks for the replies! I'm liking the synthetic leather one since it's quite easy to clean and I can go full out right away. I also like the canvas one because this one will toughen up your fists... I don't think the synthetic leather one will do anything to toughen up your fists. Or am I way off base here?
I'm using denim on mine , I wore a hole through the canvas .
So I just cut up an old pair of jeans and put a patch over it .

I've only used canvas ones , I like the way they abrade the skin on the knuckles and any error in your punching is quickly highlighted , and besides the bloodstains on the canvas give it character.

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