walking and texting

I am curious to know what happened to plain ole common sense. Talking, texting...or what ever on the cell phone at the expense of being aware of what is going on around you is just bad common sense. I don't use the cell while driving because I feel I owe it to those around me to concentrate the best I can while manipulating a 2000 lb. vehicle.

But that is the way I feel about it...perhaps I am wrong...and from what I see around me I am not the norm.
I am curious to know what happened to plain ole common sense. Talking, texting...or what ever on the cell phone at the expense of being aware of what is going on around you is just bad common sense. I don't use the cell while driving because I feel I owe it to those around me to concentrate the best I can while manipulating a 2000 lb. vehicle.

But that is the way I feel about it...perhaps I am wrong...and from what I see around me I am not the norm.

Common sense has, from what I have seen, become far less common than it used to be, lost in the "me first" attitude that too many people now hold dear.

Here's my theory: if you wish to put yourself in danger, that's your option - but don't involve me in your choice. Too many people assume that the rest of the world will watch out for them - and, indeed, when it was many fewer people who were making such stupid choices, it was fairly easy to watch out for them. But as more and more people copy those few who flaunt the rules, it's reaching the point where flaunting the rules is becoming the norm, rather than the exception - and it is that attitude, and the actions it engenders, that leads to laws such as the one that started this thread; an attempt by the government to save fools from themselves... or perhaps to save non-fools from the actions of the fools. If it is illegal to text while walking, and something happens - the person who was texting while walking was in the wrong first, and is therefore liable. I doubt, in the case of, say, a motorist striking a pedestrian in a crosswalk, it would go that way in court, however.