Wakey wakey ...eggs and bakey!


MT Mentor
Hey all, this FMA forum has been asleep ....or even comatose for a while. But I know there are still some FMA people out there lurking. I've been pretty much retired, being old as F.... with some health issues and all, but I still teach a little unaffiliated "Adaptive Wing Chun" and a lot of concepts we work with come as much from my FMA background as my WT/VT/WC training.

Anyway, it saddens me to see the FMA Forum so empty. For my part, I will try to post more comments here. Now, I don't make videos (at least I never have), but I will try to make a few short amateurish clips based on random topics that come up in our training sessions, if some of you guys will also try to contribute stuff (posts, pictures, videos) and maybe we can revive this forum. I mean, that would be nice :)

Any thoughts?
I've actually got some videos of myself doing the basic methods against a friend of mine, so I make sure i don't forget them after a move. If people are interested, I can check with him, and see if he's okay with me posting them here.
I'll chime in. I've not historically been a frequent contributor here. I haven't trained much in the past few years due to a medical issue of my own. But prior to that, I was a moderator over at Martial Arts Planet, first for their FMA forum and then more globally.

Before that, I'd bang on over at Kung Fu Online. (I think I'm remember that name properly.)

In any event, my FMA background: The only style in which I'm formally ranked is Doce Pares. But I've also trained more informally in Inosanto Kali (which I know is not a formal style, but you can intuit from that monniker what's involved). And I've spent some years training alongside Modern Arnis practitioners, though I'd never presume to have studied Modern Arnis. (I couldn't even recall their 12 angles if you pressed me on it.)

If anyone wants to get into the weeds on it, I'm from the Cacoy lineage of Doce Pares, via the Patalinghug family, outside Baltimore, Maryland.

Outside of FMA, I'm predictably a bit of a mutt.
...Outside of FMA, I'm predictably a bit of a mutt.
My wife had my dog tested ...and the results came back that he's in large portion a "super mutt" with an unusually high percentage of "wolfiness".

Regarding FMA and the martial arts, I'd like to think that describes me too!
Hey fellow FMA fighters.
Would be nice to see more posts here, but seem to get more responses on the general forum. I’ll try to post more often here. My introduction to FMA starts with Inosanto. We had 20 minutes of Kali at the end of each JKD class. I then followed Ted Lucaylucay to Huntington Beach and then to Musashi Martial arts in Santa Ana. Unfortunately, Ted became ill and had to move to better air quality. I eventually hooked up with a Derobio group taught by Raf Villoria in Garden Grove. He was a great instructor, but after GM Pedoy died, the system freaked out and Raf decided to stop teaching. In the interim, I spent a couple years in Muay Thai via Jerry Hofmann and Steve Tarani. I was still looking for a GMA group that I can call home and found it my current group in 2017. Eskrido De Alcuizar is named after the founder. GM Alcuizar also was affiliated with Doc Pares and trained exclusively with GM Fernando Candawan. GM Alcuizar and Candawan opened a school together as they had similar thoughts about the FMA’s. GM was also good friends with Anciong Bacon and knew his style well. GM ended up in Southern California. My instructor Ronald Manrique trained with GM Alcuizar until GMs death and is the most privy to GMs final art.

Eskrido De Alcuizar
World Eskrido Federation
Buena Park, CA
Hey fellow FMA fighters.
Would be nice to see more posts here, but seem to get more responses on the general forum. I’ll try to post more often here. My introduction to FMA starts with Inosanto. We had 20 minutes of Kali at the end of each JKD class. I then followed Ted Lucaylucay to Huntington Beach and then to Musashi Martial arts in Santa Ana. Unfortunately, Ted became ill and had to move to better air quality. I eventually hooked up with a Derobio group taught by Raf Villoria in Garden Grove. He was a great instructor, but after GM Pedoy died, the system freaked out and Raf decided to stop teaching. In the interim, I spent a couple years in Muay Thai via Jerry Hofmann and Steve Tarani. I was still looking for a GMA group that I can call home and found it my current group in 2017. Eskrido De Alcuizar is named after the founder. GM Alcuizar also was affiliated with Doc Pares and trained exclusively with GM Fernando Candawan. GM Alcuizar and Candawan opened a school together as they had similar thoughts about the FMA’s. GM was also good friends with Anciong Bacon and knew his style well. GM ended up in Southern California. My instructor Ronald Manrique trained with GM Alcuizar until GMs death and is the most privy to GMs final art.

Eskrido De Alcuizar
World Eskrido Federation
Buena Park, CA

My involvement in FMA began with Guro Dan sorta indirectly. I don't know of too many martial arts enthusiasts from the 70s and 80s who weren't interested in Bruce Lee. And it was impossible to learn about Bruce Lee without encountering Guro Dan. Didn't take long for me to become more interested in him and kali than I was in Bruce Lee and JKD. But I still have Lee to thank for getting me started.

My own JKD experience was focused less on Jun Fan, wing chun, etc. And more on kali and Southeast Asian kickboxing of various sorts.

We didn't do a lot of eskrido at my Doce Pares school, though I did get to interview GM Cacoy once for an article that never reached print. And that was fascinating (speaking of Anciong Bacon).

Hmm... video. Honestly, this looks quite rubbish to me. But that's alright. It was taken during Hours 2-3 of my test for Lakan Guro. And I was utterly knackered by this stage. So it is what it is. I'm the tall, skinny one getting the worst of most of this..
