Wah Lum Exploration


You need to speak properly to Egg... Wah Lum is Cantonese... not Hua Lin... the term you're looking for is SEI PING MA.

What is this MA BU you speak of slidey tongue?? Because like me... he's being nice, but doesn't understand a word you're saying

You've been corrected... :whip1: Please don't make daddy repeat himself... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm sorry, but I speak the language of the Emperor...not this Devil speak you keep spouting

Besides SWEET zhu rou baozi :confused:

Who on earth eats sweet zhu rou baozi :idunno:

:hmm: Oh wait... the southern devil tongues :D

I'm sorry, but I speak the language of the Emperor...not this Devil speak you keep spouting

Besides SWEET zhu rou baozi :confused:

Who on earth eats sweet zhu rou baozi :idunno:

:hmm: Oh wait... the southern devil tongues :D


I reckon... I have no idea what the traitor language sissy sounding words are.

But... if it had a face, it's edible & most likely tasty...

Hope you are starting back in a strong stance egg :) Tonight will be my first night back to class after almost 2 months off as well. Should be interesting, my Sifu has been calling me and said he has "something" special in store for me once I get back on my feet properly....
I reckon... I have no idea what the traitor language sissy sounding words are.

But... if it had a face, it's edible & most likely tasty...


Just the type of response I would expect from a speaker of the devil language.

And I had some this past weekend and I will NEVER tell what they are to a Cantonese speaker :EG: .... :uhohh: even though the waitress and likely the chef both spoke that accursed devil language

BesidesÂ…Mandarin was spoken by Emperors LONG before the Devil talkers showed up :D
OnlyAnEgg, I'm glad you're enjoying your training so much!

For what its worth, after reading this thread I've become very excited about training Eagle Claw kung fu near where I live. Although its not the same style, I hope it'll be as beneficial / enjoyable as what you've been doing. Keep us updated.

And congrats on not smoking. =]
I cannot wait. Thank you for your kind & inspiring words.

Good!! As long as you give more than you have to give, you'll get more than you expect out of it.

The training is top notch & the martial arts completely ready & usable if you do what is taught & expected. The only way to go is up!!
Good!! As long as you give more than you have to give, you'll get more than you expect out of it.

The training is top notch & the martial arts completely ready & usable if you do what is taught & expected. The only way to go is up!!

I'm going to the dojo (is that what you call it?) today so I'll get to see. =]

Egg, How is it going?
I'm going to the dojo (is that what you call it?) today so I'll get to see. =]

It's goon/gwoon/kwoon/guan... depending on the dialect & language. You will learn in the language of the patriots & best chefs in China ... blessed Cantonese. (hehehehehehehehe....)

Best thing I can offer is look, listen, observe & decide. Ying Jow is not easy to learn & demands a lot from your body, but it gives a serious return in martial skills & techniques... if you're up to it. :bangahead:
Thank you both Xue Sheng and clfsean.

And clfsean, I am indeed up for it. I cannot wait! :D :D

From what I've been reading, clfsean you also train a form of Kung Fu in the Atlanta area, correct?
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Thank you both Xue Sheng and clfsean.

And clfsean, I am indeed up for it. I cannot wait! :D :D

From what I've been reading, clfsean you also train a form of Kung Fu in the Atlanta area, correct?

Yep... I study Chen Taiji Quan (Chan Tai Gik Kuen.. bwahahahahahahahahahaah XUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) in Marietta & teach Choy Lee Fut in West Cobb.
Yep... I study Chen Taiji Quan (Chan Tai Gik Kuen.. bwahahahahahahahahahaah XUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) in Marietta & teach Choy Lee Fut in West Cobb.

:hmm: Interesting.... you of course realize.... the Chen family are..... Northerners.. and none speak devil talk…. And if my memory servers the version you are training comes straight from….. BEIJING... the land of the chosen AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :EG:

Zaijain wo shi péng yǒu :asian:
do you mean zaijian wo de peng you? as in 再见我的朋友 "see you later my friend" ?

Yup, I always forget those little connectors... and it confuses the heck out of my wife's family :D

But next time... :uhohh: don't add the translation...there are devil talkers reading this you know :uhyeah:
:hmm: Interesting.... you of course realize.... the Chen family are..... Northerners.. and none speak devil talk…. And if my memory servers the version you are training comes straight from….. BEIJING... the land of the chosen AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :EG:

Yeah... but much like Bei Shaolin, it works much better Southernized to Bak Siu Lum ... :EG::EG::EG::EG:

Zaijain wo shi péng yǒu :asian:

No Speekee Sissee :doh
Yeah... but much like Bei Shaolin, it works much better Southernized to Bak Siu Lum ... :EG::EG::EG::EG:

Yup, things go south and it all becomes just more Southern Huaquan Xui Tui :D

Actually, since I am apparently hijacking Egg's thread, I know some fairly inflammatory sayings about Southerners from Northerners I have meant, not family, and I will not use them because I don’t actually agree with them, I have some good friends that are from the South and my sifu is a Southerner as well and he'd beat the heck out of me... but that is basically because he trains a Northern style :uhyeah:

Just as a note: I was in Boston this past weekend and say a Hung Ga school in Chinatown and I was going to go check it out but sadly I did not have the time.

And to get it right this time and not confuse people from 2 different dialects

zaijian wo de peng you
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