Wack Kenpo

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These guys know what they are doing!! ....... This is the best Public Board out there .... Trust them to keep it that way...... I do. They will ban anyone that brings distasteful material..... after proper warnings.......


I come to you with my Key Board (102 keys), I am no censor, but should I be forced to defend myself, the members, or the board, whether it be a matter of flames or trolls, of honor or integrity, then here is my keyboard (102 Keys), I will moderate you.
Originally posted by Seig

I come to you with my Key Board (102 keys), I am no censor, but should I be forced to defend myself, the members, or the board, whether it be a matter of flames or trolls, of honor or integrity, then here is my keyboard (102 Keys), I will moderate you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:shrug: I dont know if I should be complimented, or insulted.


You have to picture your moderation team here, is superhero outfits, posing dramatically.

he he he

Stronger than a troll, faster than a flame, able to lock threads with a single click.......
Stop! Stop! I can't take it anymore, my sides are killing me!!

Oh, wait, that's just from some training I did last night :shrug:

Oh well, continue...............

GD, Thank you.
Turner, Sadly, I have laid off the Chili-Dogs:( But That's why my belt keeps getting bigger:D
Originally posted by Seig

I come to you with my Key Board (102 keys), I am no censor, but should I be forced to defend myself, the members, or the board, whether it be a matter of flames or trolls, of honor or integrity, then here is my keyboard (102 Keys), I will moderate you.

That has to be one of the funniest things that I have ever read on a martial arts forum!!! Seig... that was too funny. Keep 'em comming dude!

As for the moderators... I agree with everyone about one thing... This is the best Kenpo Forum on the Net to date... And the moderators on it are a step above the rest. I just disagree with them this one time. If Wack does cross your line in the future... Drop the hammer on him! I wanna hear him go splat!

Billy Lear
United Kenpo Systems
Originally posted by GouRonin

None taken. I find it funny that people are always insulting people with concepts like a "dirty, low dog dog", or a "mangy scoundrel of a dog", yet when you think of qualities and attributes that we admire like Loyalty, faithfullness, bravery, selflessness, you think, "D-O-G!" After all, who is man's best friend? Dogs. How many stories do you hear of moose saving their owners or rescuing little timmy from the woods? I don't see cats being used to find people trapped in the rubble of the world trade centre. How many seeing eye cows do people have? How many security people have guard pigs?

Gou, did you notice that DOG is GOD spelt backwards?

Originally Posted By Les
Gou, did you notice that DOG is GOD spelt backwards?

Gou isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, if you know what I mean. Although that is an interesting fact you have pointed out... So like... um... he is like the reverse of a god? I would agree with that... Gou has no divine features, except his un-godly beauty... oh wait that's right... UN-GODLY = Not like a god... oops. Am I bad. Well at least he's the king of his castle (Which is entirely true, until his wife Jackie gets home).

Gou's Crazy Friend,
United Kenpo Systems
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

Gou isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, if you know what I mean. Although that is an interesting fact you have pointed out... So like... um... he is like the reverse of a god? I would agree with that... Gou has no divine features, except his un-godly beauty... oh wait that's right... UN-GODLY = Not like a god... oops. Am I bad. Well at least he's the king of his castle (Which is entirely true, until his wife Jackie gets home).

Gou's Crazy Friend,
United Kenpo Systems
Why do I hear The Man Song playing in the backround?:rofl:
Know it *well*, in fact. Used to be quite popular at my old job....and I got to hear more than I wanted of it.

Funny, and true of some of the guys I know. Not me, fortunately, as my wife and I are pretty darn equal when it comes to things around the house......

Here's a couple of other quotes that are somewhat related:

"My wife is very iconoclastic. She walks on the ground I worship" -- Dennis Miller

"I may not wear the pants in the family, but I have exclusive rights to the zipper" -- Anonymous

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

As for the moderators... I agree with everyone about one thing... This is the best Kenpo Forum on the Net to date... And the moderators on it are a step above the rest. I just disagree with them this one time.

No problem! I can't tell you that I'm 100% confident I'm right, frankly--I'm just doing what I think is best. Thanks Mr. Lear, Goldendragon7, and others for your positive comments.

-MT Mod-
Are better than cats, as the World Trade Center thing shows with the rats and cameras. I'll never understand why people like cats, much less love them. This "Wack" guy is a cat, metaphorically if you get my drift. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Just try and imagine what this place would be like without me. Damn, I feel sorry for people who have not had the good fortune to taste my stellar, rapier wit, and innovation and original thought processes.

I can't even comprehend the fact that there are people out there who haven't met me and been allowed to bask in my glory.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Just try and imagine what this place would be like without me. Damn, I feel sorry for people who have not had the good fortune to taste my stellar, rapier wit, and innovation and original thought processes.

I can't even comprehend the fact that there are people out there who haven't met me and been allowed to bask in my glory.

Excuse me while I get my waders on and grab a big shovel, the bull's getting pretty deep here.

(scratching head) stellar, rapier wit? hmmm, whats next good looks?

comrade, comrade, comrade :eek:


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