....wasting a lot of time on this guy is just pointless.
Yes, he's annoying, and I think he should be shut down for his weak attempt at humor. Obviously, he had a poor childhood, and doesn't feel love from society, or his mommy didn't sing him to sleep, or something messed up like that.
I was offended at the fact that he put up people's pictures and ridiculed them. That is not free speech, in my book, and I agree with you. However, I think that the people in question are going to have more of an impact (maybe literally?) on Mr. Wack than *I* am. *I* may be offended, but what about the people whose pictures those are? We've heard from one of those people, but not all of them. If they are offended, it is up to them to take Mr. Wack to task, not me. He will just ignore me or taunt me more....and I will then be at his level. The offended parties, on the other hand, can lodge formal complaints to his ISP, etc. and get his site yanked. Done enough times, he may just get the picture. They can also get him for slander or libel, as he is defaming their character unjustly.
You are very right, Mr. Lear, when it comes to discrimination. I think it should be pulverised, myself. Ground down to dust so fine that the wind won't even carry it. I won't stand by and watch as someone comes in and posts offensive material--I will stand up and say something, and I have in this case. The only difference in this case, to me, is that your example puts the KKK up against Mr. Wack. The KKK is a disgraceful body of bigots that should be reviled as both an organization and as a collection of wrong-minded people. Their work ought to be censored at every turn. Mr. Wack, on the other hand, is an annoying child who is about to get smacked and sent to his room (if those offended go after him).
Hey, I'm all for the elimination of prejudice AND stupidity. This guy, though, is a sorry little worm who came in to town here to stir up the bees, and he did. I don't find him threatening; I DO, however, find him annoying, ridiculous, stupid, disrespectful, so on and so on, and a troll who has gotten the attention he came for. Hopefully, now he can go back under his rock and smile himself to sleep.
For all those guys whose pictures were used on this dippy website: I'm with you. Lemme know if I can do anything, and I'll be happy to. I'll sign complaints, write emails, you name it. Just lemme know.
To Mr. Wack: Get lost, get a life, and when you reach puberty, come back and try again.