Wack Kenpo

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr. Wack
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Well.... This has been an interesting thread! This is the second thread I've looked at. Having never seen the site in question I can still read between the lines as to it's content. However even more interesting are the "personalities" that have come to light. I always try to be sensible, informative and contributing when I post, however I'm sertainly not "above" voicing my oppinions as well. I can see I'm in good company. This is going to be a rather interesting group. Keep up the good work!
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
And Gou.... The guy with the gum has long since left the building, but I'll see if I can find you some...hey, theres a store within an hours radius of you..try there.


Next time I come visit make sure you have some for me will ya?


One other point to consider...

Should we Ban people for their actions on -other- sites?

Mr. Wack made a site that was insulting to many...he posted the link here, and a taunt.

The site wasn't here though, nor were his comments.

People have taken direct, personal shots at me on other forums, and shots at MartialTalk in general. I can let them roll off my back, as I believe I'm above such pettyness (in most cases, I'm only human:) )

Leave the Mr. Wacks of the world to their own small, narrow section. Ignore him, complain about him to the right people, etc.... but then move on. Theres too much else out there for us to ponder together.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

Let me get this straight, This guy pulls our e-mail addresses off of this forum (among others), spams us his web address

He cannot get your e-mail address unless you reveal (check your profile). It is not clear to me that this counts as spam, which is typically defined as "the same thing many times" not "objectionable posts" (see e.g. the USENET newsgroup news.admin.net-abuse.usenet, where this is often discussed, or the other news.admin.net-abuse.* groups).

creates a web site which is inflamtatory, degrading, and disrespecful to those in our community, and all you're gunna do is tell us to block him? THAT'S A CROCK OF BULL!!!

Mr. Hubbard has made a clear warning and is obviously considering this a serious matter. Others have been banned or suspended, but it's always a last resort. Being reluctant to invoke the moderators' authority isn't done for the benefit of the annoying--it's to preserve the general users' freedom as much as possible and to make it clear that you can speak your mind, within limits. I note that you felt free to say YOUR JUDGEMENT STINKS!!! to the administartor of the whole site. A policy of "moderation in moderation" (i.e. light moderation) is what makes it that kind of site.

You temporarily threw Gou Ronin off of this site for less!!!

I feel that the decisions made with repect to GouRonin and with respect to the user under discussion are consistent and proper.

Let me point out that the mods. frequently issue PM/e-mail warnings to users that you may not see. The lack of a ban does not mean that something is not being done. But we edited the post and issued two warnings; we are working up slowly to an unfrotunate result (banning) that we hope can be avoided. The mods. will not, however, be a tool in anyone's battle against this user and his insults to their art--we have developed principles for MartialTalk and are trying to stick to them.

Forgive me for saying... YOUR JUDGEMENT STINKS!!!

I disagree. I think Mr. Hubbard's judgment is excellent.

Certainly, banning Mr. Wack immediately would have been the easy and popular thing to do.

-MT Mod-
I thought the moderators were doing a good job with this one, what's the big deal? I haven't been spamed by this "troll" (I originaly said that one I believe) :D Let it go now, back more fun and talk.

So what's up with the bubble gum? :confused:

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Name 1 person on here who'se got more than 5 posts who hasn't pissed off someone else here, or said something outta line.


While this may be an "in" joke between Gou and Kaith, from what I remember (and what Gou somewhat supports from his post), it is a quote (and a good one, too!!) from the movie "They Live". This is a John Carpenter flick, pretty campy, about aliens that are taking over the earth. They are disguised as human, and you can only see them for what they are by wearing special sunglasses.

The "hero" of the film is played by Rowdy Roddy Piper, the former pro-wrestling star. He is great in this movie. Any way, he walks into this corner market, hunting aliens, and announces: "I have come here to kick a** and chew bubblegum......and I am all out of bubblegum."

Great movie. Can't take it seriously, but then again, that is John Carpenter sometimes, huh?

Thanks for bringing that memory back, guys.....gave me just the chuckle I needed this morning!!



Thanks for the reference ... I had to chuckle and respond. I remember the movie and now am laughing about the response hee-hee.

PS - Good job moderators, although I understand Billy Lears frustrations. Other Forums will delete threads and just eliminate flame wars or incendiary sites prophylactically; while some encourage and participate in disparaging, or worse, comments from the moderators themselves. Freedom of speech, eh? A novel idea. Adults policing their own posts and forums ... my oh my - what will they think of next?


Michael B.
Originally posted by Seig


Oh, what is that, some sort of 'holier than though' type of thing?
Are you some sort of forum god, most high who could never
possibly tick someone off. Just who the hell do you think you
are???? I'm PISSED! And what the heck kind of name is SEIG
anyways?!?! Is that some sort of foreign language for "martial
arts god" ??!?!? What's your problem anyways?

hehehehe .... only kidding of course.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:flame: :roflmao:

Yeah, Seig!! Kirk beat me to it.......you have pissed me off, and I think you are outta line!! (Wait, you *do* have more than 5 posts, right? Ok. Cool. Then I can say that...hehe). :soapbox:

Okay, that's been said. Now you can join the club. :rolleyes:

Wouldn't want you to feel left out, Seig. :eek:

Just kidding, of course. I haven't been offended (yet?) by anything you have posted.

Okay....back to my somewhat sane state.......:confused:

Now I remember (smacking self in forehead).

Oh, Seig, you haven't ticked me off yet (but you can keep trying if you want). ;)

Seig is a shortened form of my last name. I am glad some one has finally recognized my godliness. If you have a problem with it, come up here to Mt Olympus and we'll discuss it.:D
Originally posted by tonbo

Yeah, Seig!! Kirk beat me to it.......you have pissed me off, and I think you are outta line!! (Wait, you *do* have more than 5 posts, right? Ok. Cool. Then I can say that...hehe). :soapbox:

Okay, that's been said. Now you can join the club. :rolleyes:

Wouldn't want you to feel left out, Seig. :eek:

Just kidding, of course. I haven't been offended (yet?) by anything you have posted.

Okay....back to my somewhat sane state.......:confused:

: puts on flame-proof undies and ballistic armor :

Ready when you are......fire away......

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm pissed off too! You went way out of bounds when you assumed that you didn't piss me off before! But, now... I'm... I'm... I'm... only joking!

"When somebody asks you if you're a god, YOU SAY YES!!!" :rofl:

Seriously Though...

I disagree with censorship for the most part, but I don't think that advertising the kind of hateful things that Mr. Wack has, (by posting his link everywhere, and sending unsolicited e-mail to everyone), is something that should be endorsed by "Freeom Of Speech". Although he didn't use my picture on his Jabba The Kenpoist web page, he did use some pictures of some people that are close to me. I thought it was disgraceful & wrong!

Is discrimination acceptable toward fat people, and only not acceptable when it comes to race? or religion? If the KKK came on this message board and posted a link to a web page that portraited black people in a "joking" manner, would you delete the post? Or, would you let it stand?

What if "Mr. Wack" got his hands on your picture, and put it up on his web site with some discriminatory content? Is that so far fetched? You should read what he put up there now... "The Gloves are off, and nobody is safe..."

I think that HATE should be censored, deleted, burned, and erradicated!!! It doesn't matter if you are black, white, gay, straight, fat, or skinny... I'm Color Blind, but when you stand idle while someone "Makes Fun" in a hateful way... Then you are a waste of skin in my book!

Remeber: True Evil is when good people do little, or nothing to stop the bad things in the world.

My Opinion,
Billy Lear
United Kenpo Systems:mad:
....wasting a lot of time on this guy is just pointless.

Yes, he's annoying, and I think he should be shut down for his weak attempt at humor. Obviously, he had a poor childhood, and doesn't feel love from society, or his mommy didn't sing him to sleep, or something messed up like that.

I was offended at the fact that he put up people's pictures and ridiculed them. That is not free speech, in my book, and I agree with you. However, I think that the people in question are going to have more of an impact (maybe literally?) on Mr. Wack than *I* am. *I* may be offended, but what about the people whose pictures those are? We've heard from one of those people, but not all of them. If they are offended, it is up to them to take Mr. Wack to task, not me. He will just ignore me or taunt me more....and I will then be at his level. The offended parties, on the other hand, can lodge formal complaints to his ISP, etc. and get his site yanked. Done enough times, he may just get the picture. They can also get him for slander or libel, as he is defaming their character unjustly.

You are very right, Mr. Lear, when it comes to discrimination. I think it should be pulverised, myself. Ground down to dust so fine that the wind won't even carry it. I won't stand by and watch as someone comes in and posts offensive material--I will stand up and say something, and I have in this case. The only difference in this case, to me, is that your example puts the KKK up against Mr. Wack. The KKK is a disgraceful body of bigots that should be reviled as both an organization and as a collection of wrong-minded people. Their work ought to be censored at every turn. Mr. Wack, on the other hand, is an annoying child who is about to get smacked and sent to his room (if those offended go after him).

Hey, I'm all for the elimination of prejudice AND stupidity. This guy, though, is a sorry little worm who came in to town here to stir up the bees, and he did. I don't find him threatening; I DO, however, find him annoying, ridiculous, stupid, disrespectful, so on and so on, and a troll who has gotten the attention he came for. Hopefully, now he can go back under his rock and smile himself to sleep.

For all those guys whose pictures were used on this dippy website: I'm with you. Lemme know if I can do anything, and I'll be happy to. I'll sign complaints, write emails, you name it. Just lemme know.

To Mr. Wack: Get lost, get a life, and when you reach puberty, come back and try again.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

What if "Mr. Wack" got his hands on your picture, and put it up on his web site with some discriminatory content? Is that so far fetched?

Remeber: True Evil is when good people do little, or nothing to stop the bad things in the world.

My Opinion,
Billy Lear
United Kenpo Systems:mad:
I agree with you. I was ignoring himand trying to belight hearted on the rest of the topic. Had he used my picture, which a year ago would have fit in, albeit I am not a high enough rank, I would have had to find him, demonstrated Falling Fat Man on him and then done Crashing Boulders. Your statement of True Evil is dead on accurate, every war in this world could have been avoided had the good people not let the radicals gain control.
Originally posted by WilliamTLear
"When somebody asks you if you're a god, YOU SAY YES!!!"

I always do anyway.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
"What if "Mr. Wack" got his hands on your picture, and put it up on his web site with some discriminatory content? Is that so far fetched?

Hey, I can only have a few pics of me on the web at any given time. I am so d@mn good looking that "tiger beat" and the other multitudes of fan mags would soon go out of business because my mug was available for free. I say if this Mr. Wackie wants to take my picture and make some money off it then he better make sure I get my royalties.
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

I don't think that advertising the kind of hateful things that Mr. Wack has, (by posting his link everywhere, and sending unsolicited e-mail to everyone

I was not aware that people were receiving unsolicited e-mail over this. Was it sent through the MartialTalk interface or were the addresses found some otehr way? Remember, if this system is used your address is not revealed to the sender. Again, I was not aware of this (I am traveling and may have missed something). Can you send me a copy of the message with full headers (at arnisador@martialtalk.com)?

You should read what he put up there now...

Please! I wouldn't want to do so.

We felt that editing the URL was the right balance--people would know something was out there and what the general issue was but the site itself wouldn't be advertised. It was a tough call, but there were enough posts in the thread by that time that removing the entire message would have left people wondering what the thread was about. This wasn't an easy issue but when we were informed that some of our members' pictures were at the site it became rather easier to take some action. We want to keep this place friendly.

Discrimination is something we don't wnt here--of any sort. I think we are in general agreement--I ask you to recognize that we rapidly removed the information from the post that led people to the site, issued warnings, and monitored the thread. We felt that this was sufficient action. We want to be hesitant to "strike", as any martial artist should be.

-MT Mod-

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