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Kobudō featured:
1. 小笠原流弓馬術 (Ogasawara-ryu Kyubajutsu)
2. 雲弘流剣術 (Unko-ryu Kenjutsu)
3. 宝蔵院流高田派槍術 (Hozoin-ryu Takada-ha Sojutsu)
4. 竹内流柔術(日下捕手開山)(Takeuchi-ryu Jujutsu – Kusaka Lineage)
5. 野田派二天一流剣術 (Nodaha Niten Ichi-ryu Kenjutsu)
6. 貫心流居合術 (Kanshin-ryu Iaijutsu)
7. 琉球古武術 (Ryukyu Kobujutsu)
8. 為我流派勝新流柔術 (Tamegaruha Katsushin-ryu Jujutsu)
9. 立身流兵法 (Tatsumi-ryu Heiho)
10. 神道夢想流杖術 (Shinto Muso-ryu Jojutsu)
11. 無雙直傳英信流居合術 (Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaijutsu)
12. 澁川流柔術 (Shibukawa-ryu Jujutsu)
13. 初實剣理方一流剣術 (Hatsumi Kenri Kataichi-ryu Kenjutsu)
14. 直心影流薙刀術 (Jikishinkage-ryu Naginatajutsu)
15. 鐘捲流抜刀術 (Kanemaki-ryu Battojutsu)
16. 卜傳流剣術 (Bokuden-ryu Kenjutsu)
17. 尾張貫流槍術 (Owari Kan-ryu Sojutsu)
18. 心月無想柳流柔術 (Shingetsu Muso Yanagi-ryu Jujutsu)
19. 鹿島新當流剣術 (Kashima Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu)
20. 関口流抜刀術 (Sekiguchi-ryu Battojutsu)
21. 金硬流唐手・沖縄古武術 (Kinko-ryu Karate & Okinawa Kobujutsu)
22. 兵法タイ捨流 (Heiho Taisha-ryu)
23. 大東流合気柔術琢磨会 (Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Takumakai)
24. 天道流薙刀術 (Tendo-ryu Naginatajutsu)
25. 當田流剣術 (Toda-ryu Kenjutsu)
26. 和道流柔術拳法 (Wado-ryu Jujutsu Kenpo)
27. 甲源一刀流顕彰会 (Kogen Itto-ryu Kenshokai)
28. 長谷川流和術 (Hasegawa-ryu Wajutsu)
29. 水鷗流居合剣法・正木流鎖鎌術 (Suio-ryu Iai Kenpo & Masaki-ryu Kusarigamajutsu)
30. 神道無念流剣術 (Shindo Munen-ryu Kenjutsu)
31. 柳生心眼流體術 (Yagyu Shingan-ryu Taijutsu)
32. 戸田派武甲流薙刀術 (Toda-ha Buko-ryu Naginatajutsu)
33. 小野派一刀流剣術 (Ono-ha Itto-ryu Kenjutsu)
34. 天神真楊流柔術(新座市)(Tenjin Shinyo-ryu Jujutsu – Niiza)
35. 陽流砲術 (Yo-ryu Hojutsu)
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This is an annual event held at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyu each February, not long after the Kagami Biraki ceremonies of mid-January. It's organised by the Nihon Kobudo Kyokai, one of the two major preservation and promotion societies for (specifically) classical Japanese martial arts (although, as we can see, not exclusively). The other is the Nihon Kobudo Shinkyokai.
A few corrections and comments to the above, though:
場流派(演武順)Transliteration: Jou Ryu-ha (Embu Jun). Translation: Placement of classical schools (Performance order).
1. 小笠原流弓馬術 (Ogasawara-ryu Kyubajutsu)
Although the name (Kyubajutsu) refers to mounted archery, what is demonstrated is the standing form. This school is highly influential in the teachings of etiquette, and the promotion of the seated position of seiza, being etiquette teachers to a number of shogunastic dynasties.
2. 雲弘流剣術 (Unko-ryu Kenjutsu)
Unkou Ryu, rather than Unko Ryu (be very careful with this one's pronunciation, ha!). An interesting kenjutsu school, which is little more than the current head and his son (who are both demonstrating.
3. 宝蔵院流高田派槍術 (Hozoin-ryu Takada-ha Sojutsu)
A wonderful spear school, specialising in the Jumonji-yari, a spear with a cross-blade at the base of the primary spear tip. In order to preserve the practice in the future, they have begun planting forests for Japanese Oak, to have supplies for their very long weapons in generations to come. They have also begun admitting female students for the first time in their history in the past 6 years or so.
4. 竹内流柔術(日下捕手開山)(Takeuchi-ryu Jujutsu – Kusaka Lineage)
This should be pronounced "Takenouchi Ryu", as the dropping of the "no" particle (although not written) is done by the Bitchu-den line of the school, which originated from the third generation. This is the Soke line, as they are the only ones using the descriptor Hi no Shita Torite Kaisan (日下捕手開山). The term "Kusaka", I believe, is a mistransliteration of the Hi no Shita portion, and not part of the name.
5. 野田派二天一流剣術 (Nodaha Niten Ichi-ryu Kenjutsu)
A quite intriguing variation of Musashi's school, itself arising from a split in the third generation. This line has been heavily influenced by Noh theatre, leading to some distinct interpretations of the waza.
6. 貫心流居合術 (Kanshin-ryu Iaijutsu)
A respected Iai school, most likely an outshoot of the Tosa Iai lines, although the history is somewhat murky. The name refers to an "open mind", and the aim of the school is to accomplish this state.
7. 琉球古武術 (Ryukyu Kobujutsu)
Okinawan (Ryukyu Kingdom) traditional weaponry arts. Not Koryu, as they aren't from Japan itself (those from the Ryukyu's are both considered Japanese and not Japanese at once), here some of the more unusual weapons such as Tinbe and Rochin (a type of dagger and shield made from a turtle shell).
8. 為我流派勝新流柔術 (Tamegaruha Katsushin-ryu Jujutsu)
The correct pronunciation of this school is Iga Ryu-ha Katsushin Ryu Jujutsu. This school is taught alongside Muhi Muteki Ryu Jojutsu (a staff fighting system, utilising a 6 shaku staff, but using the name "jo" rather than the more usual "bo"), and is found only in a small fishing village in Ibaraki prefecture. It's essentially a variation of the Tenjin Shin'yo Ryu for the main, with it's own flavour added in.
9. 立身流兵法 (Tatsumi-ryu Heiho)
A wonderful school with a wide curriculum. Best known for their swordwork, the school also teaches Bo, Hanbo, Yari (spear), Jujutsu, and more. The first two batto techniques taught form the basis of everything done, and each section has three distinct levels or approaches for training.
10. 神道夢想流杖術 (Shinto Muso-ryu Jojutsu)
Founded in the early 17th Century by Muso Gonnosuke Katsuyoshi, the most famous claim of this school is that it was founded by the only person to defeat the famous Miyamoto Musashi.
11. 無雙直傳英信流居合術 (Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaijutsu)
Possibly the most widely practiced Koryu in the world, with many ZNKR dojo also practicing this classical style. The modern form has split into a number of lines, based on the persons awarded Kongen no Maki (Menkyo Kaiden equivalent) by Oe Masamichi in the early 20th Century. Interestingly, this group uses a different kanji for "sou" in Musou, meaning "hail" rather than "peer"... not sure why.
12. 澁川流柔術 (Shibukawa-ryu Jujutsu)
Another somewhat enigmatic jujutsu system, this art developed out of the Sekiguchi Ryu, itself an outgrowth of the Takenouchi Ryu. Another, slightly more widespread derived school, the Shibukawa Ichi Ryu, maintains most of the same syllabus, and is taught alongside Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu and Oishi Shinkage Ryu in the Kanoukan organisation.
13. 初實剣理方一流剣術 (Hatsumi Kenri Kataichi-ryu Kenjutsu)
Another transliteration error... this school is properly named Shojitsuken Rikata Ichi Ryu, and is made up of both kenjutsu and Iaijutsu. The Iai is the more interesting side of things, with some distinctive todome ("final" stabbing action) and a frequent habit of demonstrating their waza in full armour, which is quite unusual for Iai systems, including utilising tachi, rather than the more common katana. I have been informed that this is more of a recent change, though, rather than a historically accurate part of their practice.
14. 直心影流薙刀術 (Jikishinkage-ryu Naginatajutsu)
While claiming an old lineage, the naginata methods of this school are likely only in about their fourth generation or so, with much of the formal curriculum being constructed around 1900. It came originally from the "standard" Jikishinkage Ryu (more properly known as Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage Ryu), and may have been a way to retain some of the weaponry skills at a time when the Jikishinkage Ryu proper were moving away from them to a sword-only type of approach.
15. 鐘捲流抜刀術 (Kanemaki-ryu Battojutsu)
A wonderful school of Iai/Battojutsu (Sword drawing), dating from the end of the Sengoku Jidai, and based in arts such as Chujo Ryu and Toda Ryu. Today, the school is only Iai, however it used to be a more comprehensive school with a much wider curriculum. It is a very small school, and easily identifiable with the special tasuke-bakama worn. From all my queries, it appears these are made in-house, as no-one seems to know where to get them!
16. 卜傳流剣術 (Bokuden-ryu Kenjutsu)
Possibly surprisingly, this is not a school founded by the great Tsukuhara Bokuden. His school is the Kashima Shinto Ryu, the sister art, in many ways, of the Tenshinsho Den Katori Shinto Ryu. Instead, it is said to have been founded by his nephew, or perhaps a student of his, and named for Bokuden himself. Much simpler, and more direct than the Kashima Shinto Ryu, it is very much a no-nonsense kinda school.
17. 尾張貫流槍術 (Owari Kan-ryu Sojutsu)
Owari, in this case, refers to the location (the same way that Katori and Kashima are local designations in those schools' names), so the proper name is simply "Kan Ryu". Taught in the Shumpukan and related branch dojo, this school forms the heart of the teachings there alongside the Owari Yagyu Shinkage Ryu. The distinctive features of this ryu include the kuda-yari, a spear with a "sleeve" that slides along the haft to increase the speed of thrusts, the "spear shaking" methods, and the fact that training begins with a form of free-form study (randori shiai) before moving onto kata practice.
18. 心月無想柳流柔術 (Shingetsu Muso Yanagi-ryu Jujutsu)
One of many off-shoots of the Takagi Ryu family of martial arts, the Shingetsu Muso Yanagi Ryu retains much in common with the Takagi Ryu and it's associated Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu, while also developing it's own peculiarities. One of the most easily identifiable is the usage of a shortened naginata, known as a "ko nagainta" (short naginata... go figure!) that is unique to this tradition.
19. 鹿島新當流剣術 (Kashima Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu)
This is the school founded by Bokuden (mentioned above). A highly formalised school, the actual meaning of the actions and intricacies are hidden from outside viewing. This school is often demonstrated by practitioners in white hakama, pulled up in a very particular manner (Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage Ryu have a similar method, although slightly different).
20. 関口流抜刀術 (Sekiguchi-ryu Battojutsu)
The Sekiguchi Ryu was once a larger, comprehensive school based in the Takenouchi Ryu. A number of generations ago, it split into a range of factions, with the two most prominent being the Sekiguchi Ryu Battojutsu, and the Sekiguchi Shin-shin Ryu Jujutsu. The Battojutsu was also once headed by the 8th head of Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, Aoki Kikuo-sensei, who gave out full licensure to a great number of students, allowing for a number of legitimate branches to currently exist.
21. 金硬流唐手・沖縄古武術 (Kinko-ryu Karate & Okinawa Kobujutsu)
A very traditional Okinawan form of karate (still using the kanji for "Chinese Hand", rather than the more common "Empty Hand").
22. 兵法タイ捨流 (Heiho Taisha-ryu)
More correctly pronounced as "Hyojo Taisha Ryu", this school is based in the Shinkage Ryu of Kamiizumi Ise no Kami Nobutsuna, although it has quite dramatically changed its appearance over the years. A very dramatic school to watch, the system is dynamic, and features a range of unusual movements. The name is also interesting, with the "Tai" part of "Taisha" being written in katakana, a writing form used for phonetics, most commonly for foreign words. The reasoning behind using this is to not limit the understanding of the school for its students.
23. 大東流合気柔術琢磨会 (Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Takumakai)
Koryu? Maybe not. While claiming to be based in nearly a milenia-old tradition, the likely reality is that this school was formulated in the main by Sokaku Takeda in the late 19th and early 20th Century, with his son, Tokimune actually being the one to put it all down in some kind of systematised fashion. A highly influential school, none-the-less, with a range of modern arts owing their foundation to this system, most notably the art of Aikido.
24. 天道流薙刀術 (Tendo-ryu Naginatajutsu)
The head of this school, Kimura-sensei, has said that she wished it wasn't known as "naginatajutsu", as she considers the school a sogo (composite) bujutsu. The curriculum contains naginata, sword, two sword, jo, and kusarigama (chain and sickle), however, when she went to register the name, an Aikido group had already registered "Tendo Ryu", so she gave the suffix "Naginatajutsu" to differentiate it. A beautiful school to watch, this had a huge influence on the teaching of naginata in Japanese high schools, and in the development of Atarashii (New) Naginata, the modern competitive form of the art.
25. 當田流剣術 (Toda-ryu Kenjutsu)
This is an interesting system. It was once thought to be completely extinct, so there's a chance this is a reconstructed school, but it has a number of traits that are very difficult to reconstruct, so...? The Toda Ryu was an off-shoot of the Chujo Ryu, one of the three foundational proto-ryu-ha along with Shinto Ryu and Nen Ryu. There are a number of similarities to Nen Ryu in feel, if not technique, which is quite fascinating. The school is also linked with the founding and development of schools such as Tenshin Buko Ryu (formerly Toda-ha Buko Ryu... we'll get there), and Kiraku Ryu. The original Toda Ryu was centred on sojutsu (spear), rather than sword.
26. 和道流柔術拳法 (Wado-ryu Jujutsu Kenpo)
For those who internationally train in Wado Ryu Karate, this is the same art. Its proper name is, as stated, Wado Ryu Jujutsu Kenpo (not karate), and is a synthesis of Shotokan and Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu, which Otsuka Hironori was a fully licenced practitioner of. Their embu typically emphasise the jujutsu side of things, with various muto dori (unarmed sword defences) being shown.
27. 甲源一刀流顕彰会 (Kogen Itto-ryu Kenshokai)
A line of the famous Itto Ryu traditions, based ostensibly in the Mizoguchi-ha and the Henmi family traditions, and being founded in the late 18th Century. A very economical system, it comprises some two dozen kenjutsu waza, and about 5 naginata waza (imported from Tenshin Buko Ryu), it also used to maintain an Iai syllabus (with a very interesting naming structure based in kuji from esoteric buddhism) that are still listed but not practiced. The character of the school is nothing short of supremely pragmatic, based in a history of not being associated with a particular lord or castle town, but instead being trained and taught to local farmers in exchange for labour on the fields. The reiho and other aspects also show very interesting holdovers from duelling practice and similar.
28. 長谷川流和術 (Hasegawa-ryu Wajutsu)
Ah, an unusual one... the name of the school is actually pronounced Hasegawa Ryu Yawara-jutsu, not Wajutsu, although that pronunciation is used for Shosho Ryu who use the same kanji. This school is claimed to have been developed by Hasegawa Eishin, the 7th head of the Tosa Iai lines that would go on to become Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu and Muso Shinden Ryu, and is highly based in controlling an opponent who attempts to bring a weapon to bear on you. The head of the school often wears kamishimo, a wide-shouldered formal kimono worn by high ranking samurai in the early Edo period.
29. 水鷗流居合剣法・正木流鎖鎌術 (Suio-ryu Iai Kenpo & Masaki-ryu Kusarigamajutsu)
I love the story of Suio Ryu... it apparently began when a young samurai was taught some basic sword and Iai methods from a student of Hayashizaki Jinsuke (founder of the Tosa Iai schools) for about 6 months, then went on to basically create his own methods from that initial teaching. The Iai is done both solo, and paired, with kata forming the "other side", or, in cases, counter to other kata in the series. The school also includes jujutsu, staff weapons, and naginata in the Suio Ryu syllabus, and has integrated the Fukuhara-ha Masaki Ryu school for Kusarigama. They do not have the other aspects (Manriki Gusari, Jutte etc) of the mainline Masaki Ryu, though.
30. 神道無念流剣術 (Shindo Munen-ryu Kenjutsu)
Once one of the most widely practiced schools, it was highly formative in the studies of a young Nakayama Hakudo, who was awarded Menkyo Kaiden in the school, and taught it in his dojo in Tokyo. Unusually, the kata don't have names as such, instead relying on simply numbering them to list them out. The school includes a range of paired (kenjutsu/kumitachi) kata and solo Iai kata.
31. 柳生心眼流體術 (Yagyu Shingan-ryu Taijutsu)
Also called the Edo Yagyu Shingan Ryu, or the Goto-ha Yagyu Shingan Ryu, this line is both similar and quite distinct from the Sendai line that is possibly more famous. Although listed as "Taijutsu", it includes not only the jujutsu teachings, but also a range of weapons, including sword and staff most notably. It is taught today in the Arakido organisation alongside Otsubo Owari Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Kenjutsu.
32. 戸田派武甲流薙刀術 (Toda-ha Buko-ryu Naginatajutsu)
Hmm... lots that could be said here, but much that probably shouldn't. Suffice to say that this is not a good story of recent times, and is not considered to be a legitimate representation. The real school is now known as Tenshin Buko Ryu.
33. 小野派一刀流剣術 (Ono-ha Itto-ryu Kenjutsu)
Probably the most famous of the various Itto Ryu schools, this is the original and primary form, being created when Ono Tadaaki took over from the founder, Itto Ittosai. Famous for its kiri-otoshi action, where the opponents sword is deflected and your attack is launched all at once, but the school has a large syllabus, including a range of sword versus sword, short sword, and a range of kata trained with metal (unsharpened) blades, called Habiki no kata.
34. 天神真楊流柔術(新座市)(Tenjin Shinyo-ryu Jujutsu – Niiza)
One of the youngest koryu, being founded in the early half of the 19th Century, it is also possibly one of the most important, being a giant influence on the foundation of Judo and Jigoro Kano's development. Kano studied under the second head of the school, and gained licence before he was 21, using the Tenjin Shin'yo Ryu as a basis for his Kodokan methodology. The group listed here is the Kubota line, based in Niiza-shi.
35. 陽流砲術 (Yo-ryu Hojutsu)
One of three major gunnery schools left, along with Seki Ryu and Morishige Ryu, the Yo Ryu is known for focusing on larger, almost hand-canon type weapons. Very loud!!!
Here's a mirror of the entire event (it's been taken off YouTube for some reason, but available here):
第48回 日本古武道演武大会 The 48th Japanese Kobudo Demonstration共计5条视频,包括:第48回 日本古武道演武大会(1/5)The 48th Japanese Kobudo Demonstration開会式0318、第48回 日本古武道演武大会(2/5)The 48th Japanese Kobudo Demonstration、第48回 日本古武道演武大会(3/5)The 48th Japanese Kobudo Demonstration等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Disclaimer & Viewer Info:
This is a mirror of the 48th All Japan Kobudo Demonstration, originally uploaded to YouTube but now unavailable there. These videos are currently hosted on Bilibili based in China that is similar to YouTube.
Bilibili is safe to view, but it's mostly in Chinese.
No account or login is required to watch.
I do not own this content. It was uploaded by a user named AlbrechtAlter, who appears to have mirrored the full event for educational and archival purposes. All credit goes to the original event organisers, demonstrators, and content producers.
If this content is officially reposted elsewhere, or if hosting it here conflicts with copyright or forum rules, I’ll update or remove the links accordingly.
The initial upload was inaccurate, with the fourth video (in the set of 5) being uploaded twice, listed as the 3rd and the 4th. I'm expecting it'll be re-uploaded in due time.
Great insight into the various koryū and living traditions. Some are eyebrow raising, like, "huh... who invited you?", but I'm in no position to criticise.
It probably helps mainline schools keep tabs on what's going on in various branches, but I'm only guessing.
Most I've never even heard of before so it's an interesting watch regardless!
Hopefully the above helped with your understanding of them. Any other queries, well, you know where to find me, ha!