[Video and documents attached] 48th Japanese Kobudo Demonstration (2nd February, 2025)


Purple Belt

Kobudō featured:


1. 小笠原流弓馬術 (Ogasawara-ryu Kyubajutsu)

2. 雲弘流剣術 (Unko-ryu Kenjutsu)

3. 宝蔵院流高田派槍術 (Hozoin-ryu Takada-ha Sojutsu)

4. 竹内流柔術(日下捕手開山)(Takeuchi-ryu Jujutsu – Kusaka Lineage)

5. 野田派二天一流剣術 (Nodaha Niten Ichi-ryu Kenjutsu)

6. 貫心流居合術 (Kanshin-ryu Iaijutsu)

7. 琉球古武術 (Ryukyu Kobujutsu)

8. 為我流派勝新流柔術 (Tamegaruha Katsushin-ryu Jujutsu)

9. 立身流兵法 (Tatsumi-ryu Heiho)

10. 神道夢想流杖術 (Shinto Muso-ryu Jojutsu)

11. 無雙直傳英信流居合術 (Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaijutsu)

12. 澁川流柔術 (Shibukawa-ryu Jujutsu)

13. 初實剣理方一流剣術 (Hatsumi Kenri Kataichi-ryu Kenjutsu)

14. 直心影流薙刀術 (Jikishinkage-ryu Naginatajutsu)

15. 鐘捲流抜刀術 (Kanemaki-ryu Battojutsu)

16. 卜傳流剣術 (Bokuden-ryu Kenjutsu)

17. 尾張貫流槍術 (Owari Kan-ryu Sojutsu)

18. 心月無想柳流柔術 (Shingetsu Muso Yanagi-ryu Jujutsu)

19. 鹿島新當流剣術 (Kashima Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu)

20. 関口流抜刀術 (Sekiguchi-ryu Battojutsu)

21. 金硬流唐手・沖縄古武術 (Kinko-ryu Karate & Okinawa Kobujutsu)

22. 兵法タイ捨流 (Heiho Taisha-ryu)

23. 大東流合気柔術琢磨会 (Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Takumakai)

24. 天道流薙刀術 (Tendo-ryu Naginatajutsu)

25. 當田流剣術 (Toda-ryu Kenjutsu)

26. 和道流柔術拳法 (Wado-ryu Jujutsu Kenpo)

27. 甲源一刀流顕彰会 (Kogen Itto-ryu Kenshokai)

28. 長谷川流和術 (Hasegawa-ryu Wajutsu)

29. 水鷗流居合剣法・正木流鎖鎌術 (Suio-ryu Iai Kenpo & Masaki-ryu Kusarigamajutsu)

30. 神道無念流剣術 (Shindo Munen-ryu Kenjutsu)

31. 柳生心眼流體術 (Yagyu Shingan-ryu Taijutsu)

32. 戸田派武甲流薙刀術 (Toda-ha Buko-ryu Naginatajutsu)

33. 小野派一刀流剣術 (Ono-ha Itto-ryu Kenjutsu)

34. 天神真楊流柔術(新座市)(Tenjin Shinyo-ryu Jujutsu – Niiza)

35. 陽流砲術 (Yo-ryu Hojutsu)

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I love that stuff.

Here's a mirror of the entire event (it's been taken off YouTube for some reason, but available here):

Disclaimer & Viewer Info:
This is a mirror of the 48th All Japan Kobudo Demonstration, originally uploaded to YouTube but now unavailable there. These videos are currently hosted on Bilibili based in China that is similar to YouTube.

Bilibili is safe to view, but it's mostly in Chinese.
No account or login is required to watch.

I do not own this content. It was uploaded by a user named AlbrechtAlter, who appears to have mirrored the full event for educational and archival purposes. All credit goes to the original event organisers, demonstrators, and content producers.

If this content is officially reposted elsewhere, or if hosting it here conflicts with copyright or forum rules, I’ll update or remove the links accordingly.
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I love that stuff.

Great insight into the various koryū and living traditions. Some are eyebrow raising, like, "huh... who invited you?", but I'm in no position to criticise.

It probably helps mainline schools keep tabs on what's going on in various branches, but I'm only guessing.

Most I've never even heard of before so it's an interesting watch regardless!