Victims of Crime!


Black Belt
A few days a go a Young man was attacked in my home town as he was walking back from a night out back to his home! He was attacked by five men in their 20s because they wanted his money! And I heard of another unprovoked attack of a woman in her car only 15 miles from where I live! The attacker rammed her from behind in his car. She was in shock and while she was in her car the man punched her and took all her money!
I know crime is an all too real occurrence and it really makes me sad in disbelief, of how these individuals have no morals in attacking innocent people!
I believe we have a right to go about out daily business without the fear of violence against us! A while ago a British farmer was jailed for manslaughter of a burglar! He had shot one of the perpetrators dead and the other was injured! He had been burgled on many occasions but I think The Police had failed to act!
I myself was attacked when i was 17 but I think I was lucky because my instincts kicked in and I ran. The men who attacked me did not even leave a mark on me which was very lucky. I felt very afraid but atleast my fear helped me escape with my life!
Whenever I go out with my friends, there are always a lot of Police presence in the city centre, so I suppose I should feel safer! But you cannot guarantee that in the club I'm in there won't be any violence, because alcohol has a habit of fueling aggressive behaviour! I try to make myself aware fo my suuroundings and perceptive of any odd characters!
With all this going on its amazing I even step out of my house to go out, but but that would be futile, because I have to work and earn money for all sorts of things! Anyway crimes can happen in one's home aswell!
Sorry to ramble on, just something I had to get off my chest!
You will also have seen I posted a thread entitled "Fear" which I guess is related to this!
Ummm. Ok, crime does happen. My questions to you are where do you want this thread to go? I can think of three possible directions.

Do you want a discussion of past incidents of crime that happen to us?

Do you want a discussion of what we could do if a similar situation happens to us?

Or are you just simply venting your concerns about what happened in your home town & country?

- Ceicei
Forgive me I just started writing and I guess I got carried away! Its just that I have heard of so many cases in the news and local news about violent criminal acts that it has provoked feelings of fear and anguish. I don't know if I had any point in mind when I was writing this thread but I guess I just felt like projecting these feelings in writing!
Maybe it should make us think about how we train, and are we prepared for any eventuality? And where does the law fit in? How much force is necessary to fend off an attacker? Sometimes seems like the bad guy can be the victim, makes me laugh!
Black Bear said:
That is way too much topic for one thread.
A little searching would probably find existing threads covering most of the angles for the original post. Tony, I understand the feeling behind your original post. Instead of feeling helpless, shocked or saddened try getting really pissed off about the situation and see if that changes your outlook on things.
Not sure how things work in the UK but complaints to the local police for more officers on duty in areas that have a higher crime rate, or setting up community awareness groups is a start.
If you have elected officials , letters, phone calls, petitions, get there attention.
If you are an instructor FREE classes on simple selfdefence can help a little but at least it is a gestue and lets people know that you care.
theletch1 said:
A little searching would probably find existing threads covering most of the angles for the original post. Tony, I understand the feeling behind your original post. Instead of feeling helpless, shocked or saddened try getting really pissed off about the situation and see if that changes your outlook on things.

You're probably right but I just felt like putting my point across! All these situations that I have heard about or seen in Tv police documentary programmes do sicken me! Because these are real and people are just as likely to be scarred for life for something as trivial as accidentally spilling someone's drink in a pub or club! And all of this could have been avoided! Alcohol brings out aggressiveness in people and makes them commit terrifying acts of violence!
Earlier this evening I was watching another Tv Documentary about how the Police deal with drunken behaviour in England! I have now a new found respect for the Police and what they have to go through on a daily basis!
Realsing the sad reality of the world we live in, its a miracle I can step out of my house!
Again I apologises for rambling on!
No problem we all tend to ramble when we get excited.
Local crime going on the rise and violent crime on the rise are things that upset us all.
Trying to find the answere to why they happen is not always the solution but it is a start. Trying to find the means to curb the violence takes time and never fully succeds but it helps
I really have no advice to give you. Sadly, the citizens of the UK allowed themselves to be disarmed and stripped of the right to defend themselves. It is my understanding that violent crime has skyrocketed (same thing in Australia). Maybe move to the states?
Realsing the sad reality of the world we live in, its a miracle I can step out of my house!

Yup, that's why there are martial arts and the people who participate in them. The reality of it is there is risk with every breath you take. There are probably just as many people killed or injured in a car accident as there are in crimes (don't quote me, just guessing).

What you are doing in this thread, I do understand. Your are giving vioce to your fears. This in it self can be theraputic. But, don't try to use these realities as an excuse for your fears. Fear usually has a different roots than what is percieved to be the cause.

We all are born, then we die. It's not the length between one and the other, it's the quality of the time you get.